I was going to re-cap the fun I had yesterday with all of you, but why re-cap when the party can continue!! Yesterday was dreamy and Risa was the most wonderful hostess. I was totally Tea Party Prepared...Then I realized! I had to leave during the height of the tea party and missed so much!!! I even missed full enjoyment of my own tea sipping...
So, when I got back to my loftish space last night, I put on my favorite comfy clothes and the only "Tea Shoes" I had with me at the studio....And started my very own evening tea party, which I intend to carry on throughout the weekend...While I paint and create of course...
As for last night...I had some lovely sips, I even hid in the powder room and sipped...
I was attempting my dainty sipping skills. Enjoying my dainty tea. Then I remembered...In my gallery was that favorite princess tea mug I had made...Oh and we had some liqueur...I could add it to my Orange Spice tea....It would be perfect. I was done with the dainty little cup...I meant business now!! I ran outside in the cold to my gallery. As I grabbed the cup, I decided to grab one of my tea-pot creations to share also...
Now it was time for the fun to begin. Then the phone rang. Mr. Lovee...He was still at the office, and would be for 2 more hours.. Woo-Hoo!!!! Crazy alone tea-time. He already thinks I am nutzz. I think he thinks we are all a bunch of nut-cakes...Although, I must say, he got a huge kick out of the Jungle Dream Pagoda's New Year's party!! back to the tea thing....
Oh my goodness....What I discoverd for myself this lovely cold evening....I was successful...I spent the rest of the night making tea party stops and enjoying my new found tea creation. I deserved it after my long long day of clients, accountants, bad drivers on the road and way too many errands.
I woke up this morning with the decision that I would have a weekend of tea and treats and I would work on my teeny tiny painting, which I am loving and wish I had done on a canvas instead of canvas board(she'll be in Etsy one day)...and maybe even whip up a few rows in this never ending "Longest blanket in the world" that I have been working on crocheting for a year-and-a-half.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I am having so much fun with you all!!!I love talking to you and peeking into your little fabulous worlds...Thank you everyone for sharing!! I am off to create something, and maybe even hit "The Golden Goose" thrift shop...Vanessa