The teeny plates with teeny faces are gone, but a whole new batch is a-bakin'. Before I get into this topic, let me give a huge warm thank you to our Hostess for the weekend slumber party. It was fun girls!
I had to have a typepad ticket made up as I am having major problems with comment sections, meaning I can not leave comments. Typepad is working on it, so don't think I disappeared!!! I have been visiting, I just can't comment at any typepad locations.
Back to faces and places. I went to pick up some of my creations this weekend, including these wacky faces. They are masks that hang on the wall. They have holes in their ears, therefore I will make some funky fab earrings for them. They are popular at shows...I have a few more to make. The story of my life...
Sometimes I make smooth ones, sometimes lumpy, sometimes wide, sometimes long. I will take pictures of others and share them soon. Then there are the plates. The reason I am frantic for time is because they take a long time. First you have to throw them on the wheel or hand-build them, then let them get leather hard, then trim on a different day. Then let dry all the way, then do your underglaze and fire the 1st time. Then fire for a couple days, then come back and put on the shiny diamond glaze, then fire again. The quickness of this huge process depends on how often you get to the studio and do all these steps and how full the kilns are when you are trying to get yours fired. Whew, yes, it takes that long. A long 4 step process.
The batch that is being baked right now is my favorite. It is cuter and more evolved than these. Even though I love these too. I feel like they are all the little characters running through my mind, visiting me and manifesting themselves as cards or faces on plates. I vowed not to sell and to save for the show. But, as you well know, I did sell all but two. And, I gave one to my client today as a birthday all I have is 1. One plate ready for the show.
Here is the batch in the kiln now (below). I just can't wait for these, and I have a new batch in progress also. Whew! I have been busier than I thought. Wow!!! I am happy now, well let's not jinx it, the kiln has been known to blow-up several pieces!!
Enough of clay for today. I want to share a thought with you. I was thinking, I have been open about so many things but kind of anonymous about me, me as a face on a person. And, seeing as how I am so into faces. I thought maybe I should share mine. I was sitting at a clients home playing the piano...Waiting for a buyer with a million bucks in cash...No luck though. So, I took the slow time to attempt a photo. I am so SILLY!!! I can not take a pic of me. I did every look except happy. I am really good at - evil look, Mona Lisa Look, Wanna be who knows what look & plain old dumb look. Mr. Lovee says I have too much blush on and I look like a witch. Well, he better watch out, I have told you this before, I have Gypsy Witches in my family past. Cackle Cackle....As for the pictures, I don't know why it is so hard for me to share this...I just feel so silly, so let's just ease into it...
First, here is a pic of me as a little girl. Is that Bakelite I spy?? Who knew I would grow to still run around in the same nightgown all day and I would grow to be an avid Bakelite collector...
I do look like a witch, cauldron and all...
I do adore Halloween, and I do have the most wonderful vintage witches hat....Let me see if I have a picture of that still. In the mean time, here are my alter ego's, Blurry & Scared...I tried...
Okay, that was weird, but I am fine so far. Oh, but I have not hit publish. Yikes. I was looking at this picture wondering, what the heck was in that pot??? I put my fingers in there like that and I didn't even know what was in it!!! Scary for sure!! No wonder I look so scared! hee hee hee.
On another note, as I have been visiting blogs, I see the topic of the Chinese New Year over and over. Boy am I glad I saved this (visit here for a better copy). Why did I? It has been in my bag for 2 months.. Oh Ya, my bag. I forgot to answer the burning question....First the Chinese Zodiac...
I am a Rabbit, 1975. What are you????
Now, the answer about the bag. It is my baby, it weighs 9-15 lbs. Depending on the day...
It has made my right shoulder and arm much stronger than the left. I can not even carry it on the left. It is really weird!!!
It is also falling apart, but I do not care, I think it adds character, don't you???
Now, the mystery. Is it old? Nope. Not Vintage. I got it new 4 years ago. It is an Isabella Fiore. I have never seen one like it. I heard there might only be 2 or 3 in the world. Not sure??? It is very unusual for being Isabella Fiore. I also have the little Sagittarius medallion on the left. I just adore it!! It was a birthday gift from my amazing wonderful Momm, and I love it. Just love it. It is like luggage. I love it when a man asks, can I take your bag, and then I hand it to him, without a warning on weight, and let it go abruptly. They always go, "WHOA, what is in here?"
That is all for now, this was probably the most random assorted bizarre post ever. Thanks for stopping by, I love seeing all the delightful comments!!! I am trying to think up some kind of way to send a Vanessa Treasure as a prize.. what kind of game can we conjure up???? Any Ideas???