Hellooo Hellooooo. I am on a creative flow... In the studio working away. But I came up for air to simply say, " It has been a downright fitful, crepe-ee day!"
A fitful day in the sense that... Well, I had a fit this morning. Yes. I have those occasionally. Think of it, like the little girl, I mean, the lovely little girl... You know the one with the bows in her hair. Who is trying on shoes with her mom at Buster Brown. Think 1979. She has an angelic face, and golden curls in her very long ponytails. Her mother slips a red leather shoe onto the tiny foot, and asks "do you like these sweetie?" And the little girl turns pink, then red, then purple, then Aaaahhhhhhh." F-i-t.
The doll girl freaks out, screaming, "I hate these shoes, I hate these shoes." Ponytails fly out of her hair. And, her mother, trying to do anything to get the munchkin to calm down, starts asking questions. "Do they hurt, do the red shoes hurt?" "I'll get you a cookie? A pretzel? An Icee? A lollipop." But all the little girl can do is throw herself on the floor and kick and scream, stopping only for a long breath followed by, yet another wail... (photo by Jill Greenberg. From the "End Times" Exhibit)
The truth is. The little girl didn't know why she had a fit then, and doesn't know why she has them now. (Only, now that she is a bit older than 4, the chances of hormones playing a part, is a bit higher)
Well, that is what happens around here occasionally. The girl throws a fit. And her manny tries so hard to make her feel better. Even offering to drive her back to that little old town village to purchase that unnecessary treasure. (Which they did, details to follow in next post)
But, she decided. No, I will not fall into fit-dom. I will make Crepes... Crepes served with regular and white peaches. Peaches that have been cooked in brown sugar and butter...(it is so fun cooking at Mr. Lovee's. He has such a down home array of cookware. Like cast iron pans, and heavy duty glass saucepans. Tres interesante for cooking, I'd say)
And, so it was a fact. The crepes saved, the crepey day...
Tilt pan around and around (with mits on), to even out thickness. Wait 20 seconds. Flip with tip of fingers. (Have some with raspberry jam too)
Make some artsy ones for fun....
Now, stay for a few, while I get back to work... I am running back to the studio. I am so annoyed at myself for not having the paintings I have completed ready for viewing today.... But soon, sooner than soon... xxo
Oh, and look at tonights sky from the front yard... Halloween is a comin'...