Throw it in a cauldron and watch it bubble. A perfect potluck treat for the party! Missing the Bloglandia Halloween bash is simply not an option! I am ready to do a little Skeleton Rhumba and of course the Devlish Cha-cha-cha... The lights in the Witches mansion are all nicely lit... The Witch waits inside, anxious for the strike of midnight...
A spooktacular Wicked banner from the wonderful Sadira (she made it) hangs proudly above my Halloween mansion. I made silhouettes for the windows and filled it with lights. Mr. Lovee and I will carve pumpkins tomorrow. He left me the most charming surprise pumpkin. Hiding in a super secret special place for me to find, it made me stop and smile and swoon. In the meantime (until we carve tomorrow), I have a cheesy plastic one plugged in, but I like it all the same...
Okay, back to the Witch... She has her lovely shoes and stockings ready to go, her broom all polished, ready to take flight...(You remember my Halloween love that started in September, with the Pirate ship & the stockings!)
The Halloween mirror is almost fully alive, to jump on a broom and fly right inside... Where a Halloween bash ensues, filled with glitter and carmel apples... Carousel rides on masked horses and cotton candy swirling in the air like snow... Would you like to jump into the mirror with me?
The other Witches are waiting, the book is on hand, to practice turning mushrooms into men from romance novels, you know, average Witch stuff like that...
The spooky music is playing from the ever thoughtful Amanda Button, just perfection!!!!
With songs like Eyeball in my Martini and Wormy Figs!! Alfred Hitchcock and more!! I have on my hat, I am the Witch on the left, with the crazy yellow locks, Waiting for tales, got any?? This photo is from last years Witches party and I must say, I am wearing my grandmother's velvet cape because it was cold. Now today it was almost 90' here. Pretty scary weather stuff, I'd say...
I have a stash of treats to share with you for the party... The real life treats I sent out for the giveaway are still making their way to places quite far... Miss Mary and Miss Cherie, both enjoyed theirs! Yipeee!Oh and so did Dave and his lovely wife! There is one treat floating in oblivion.. I think it might be sitting in customs due to real and fake edibles...
Off on my broomstick for now!!! I hope you can some how squeeze through the screen and grab a few treats! Back in a few days... After the madness!! YYYEeeeeehhheeeeheheheheeeeeeeeeee cackle!
Oh and one more thing, take a peek at my friend Lou's (of ArtandGhosts) creation of Vanessa Hallows!! Love it!
OCTOBER 31st Update... I had to come back and share this, it was wayyyy too funnny. I just stopped by at GypsyMermaidLife, and she had this AWESOME link to create your Monster Profile!!! What amused me the most was the fact that, my profile states, I LOVE to Torment British People!!!! Hahahahahaha!!! Now my British friends, do you find this to be true?? heheheheeeeee My profile Below... HA!
***Your Monster Profile***
Hungry Enigma You Feast On: Armadillos You Lurk Around In: Roller Rinks You Especially Like to Torment: British People