What a whirlwind week, phew! But, I had to stop in really quick and share something I made for you. I was going to wait until next week, but I just can't!! ;)
This is part of my thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas with me, here at "A Fanciful Twist." I can't tell you how much that means to me (more than you can know). And so, since that very very sappy mushy over the top time of the year is coming (embracing the mood starting now), I figure it isn't too soon to start preparing.
I think you guessed what I am talking about right... YEP! Valentine's day! I have some ideas to share... But first, let me break down and give you your very own FREE Valentine set. From me to you. I looooooved making these.
If there is any time to go over the top with an idea, to the point of nutcakey, it is this time. So, I went FUNGI crrrazy. It's all about the fungi... Under the photo below is a link for you to get your own printable PDF version.
Click here to get a printable PDF file. The file looks a bit fuzzy on the screen, but prints more than crisp and lovely. I printed mine on heavy cardstock and they look yummmmy! I have made three sets for myself. I think it is good I am starting this soon in making them, or time would get away from me for certain.
Feel free to make as many copies as you would like, they are free for you to use. I think they are perfect for kids, for adults, for office sharing, for girls, for boys. "I Like You" boy's sweatshirt tells us he has been to a "shroom-fighters" concert, hee hee. I know, so silly, but fun right?
You will find terms like:
Here are how the ones I printed for myself look, cut-out... I like to use my scalloped scissors on some of them. But mostly, I just cut them out real simply, leaving a small white border around the shape.
I hope you enjoy them to pieces!! Happy early Valentine's day. I will also put a link in my sidebar, so you can get more easily, when you run out :)
A few more things to share... WE did the Mr. Lovee Thriftventure drawing!! I wanted to choose three people. But, since Mr. Lovee has to go out and search for the treasure himself, I could not very well ask him to do three. If I do that, he won't play with us anymore...
He chose the winner straight out of "Feed Me's" mouth ( yes, I am the nutcake who made this bowl)...
I looove this bowl. It is gross, but I looove it... Now, does that man-jewelry say Arizona, or what? Well, actually, we got it in Santa Fe. I wish it fit me!! But, it is tooo big. I know, Arizona-over-the-top-wacky-fab (in my opinion at least ;)!
Whose name did he pull???
SaraH, of HeartBreak Art! Yipppeeee!! Send me your addy and we will get you a sweeeet thriftventure. I can't waiiiit to see what Mr. Lovee chooses!! This could be very interesting!!
Before I go I want to share two little tid-bits... First of all, I found such a charming blog this week. Hoola Tallulah Well, she found me and then I found her back. Her blog is cute & crisp & colorful & funny & real & includes children and chickens, brambled goats and gardens & brocantes & yes, FRANCE. Oh and, she makes fairy-cakes and has geese in a lake by where she hangs her clothes to dry :) What? Yes, what can I say, fun fun! Can I have some fairy-cakes? (Tallulah 's photo below)
Also, I got the most lovely comment from a wonderful visitor. It will make you swoooooon! It has to do with the balloon wish post.
Here is a snippet of how it read: "I live in the middle of godforsaken Nowhere in Texas and have to drive 30 miles for the simplest groceries. So.... I spend a lot of time alone. I was walking in the woods last week and saw a deflated balloon in a tree deep off the path of my woods. I happily, knee-deep in chilly mud made my way to the stumpy little tree, and the pinkish-red balloon was just shreddy and ribbony. However, in my heart of hearts, I just KNEW it might be one of your balloons! Although it wasn't, it cheered me up just as much as if it HAD been one. It was just a bursted old bit of rubber, but I ambled out of the thicket with a lighter heart and humming a bit of something nice...maybe Mozart. Anyhoo---I had brambles in my hair, but the rest of my day felt more magical and full of possibilities....."
Is that swooooooooooooney wonderful? My heart is so full, I am sooo touched. OH, you lovely people! I am so glad I joined the blogosphere. It is pure magic! What ever would I have done without you?
ps: I have a philosophy about Valentine's Day. You see, I don't think Valentine's day has to be about romantic love. I think it can be about passion for life. About giant boxes of chocolates and the love we have inside. The love for family and friends. The love for fresh air and good waves in life. There are sometimes, that I spend holidays like Valentine's day alone. Days that you would expect to share with friends or loves. But, I find, that when you are alone, and you take time to dress up and bake a giant heart shaped flourless chocolate cake (even dropping it off for a neighbor as a kind gesture), you actually live the day, and it becomes so much more meaningful. When I throw my Halloween witches party, it passes me by, because I am so busy getting ready for it. So, why not delve into a holiday like Valentine's day in a peacful way, on your own terms. What about loving yourself? What about a free indulge day. What about feeling good, instead of sad? I don't know, I am just saying... What about it? Who said that we have to be loved by "someone" on February 14th? Even if we have a beau, we should take time to love ourselves, and reflect on that very important love in our life. The person we see in the mirror...
I don't know, that is just me... See you soon!! xoxo