Warning, this post is going to be very very cuckoooooo. Are you prepared for the antics of an electricityless girl?
It all started one crisp lovely day, when the pup and I were making our way... Through the garden of cactus, of love and of folklore, when tracks not belonging, marred the garden floor...
She looked at me, as I looked at her... Both wondering what could be happening? We heard a loud sound, and we flinched just a bit, while I cried, dear ole Lovee, but he was nowhere in sight...
Then, much to our dismay, what did we see? The man with hair like the boys from Kiss, called Mr. Lovee, was doing an operation, on our very lovely little ground. What was goin' on? We cried out loud???
"Well lil' darlin', we're finally upgradin' the power." (he doesn't really talk like that, but it sure would be romantic if he did) Oh thought me, and baby (the dog), with glee, that means yippeeee, hooray, A/C! "But wait, it gets better, it's better than that, you can run all your kilns, bake pots back to back." Only one little glitch said he to me... What thought I, eyes big as a tree... "You ain't gonna be playing with your little friends inside of that there machine." What? You mean, umm, no computer? "Umm nooope" said he, "Maybe as long as a week."
Well I frowned and I huffed and I puffed all about. But, but but. Then said he, standing straight as could be. "Fine, I don't have to do this for YOU." "You can just boil and simmer this summer in 125 degrees." Oh, no it's okay, I exclaimed. I understand. (Ya right)
So, I went on with my business, not much caring, but the trenching took days, no electricity, and the sound was blaring. I acted real nice, takin' him coffee and tea. And, I even was sweet as sweet as could be...
But, days and days later, I just could not bear, to be goin' around with big poofy hair (no electricity = no blow dryer, and most of the time I don't care). I know I know, I should be happy I have hair at all... But big poofy hair, it makes me feel tall. And I am used to being real short, short as a mouse. Hmmm, if only I could be tall... (oops sorry lost my rhyme...)
The nice man, the one with hair like the boys from Kiss, was truly being eagerly missed. He worked every day, all work and no play... And the trench just grew bigger, more problems along the way. "Oops he exclaimed, more than once a day, first it was the telephone cable, and then, who knows what else.."
The trench just kept getting longer and longer, and deeper, and wider, until it wrapped around the whole neighborhood (not really). But, it did wrap around all the way down the side of the house too...
So, the girl, with poofy hair, in three layers of white prairie gowns, made herself busy, like a good Victorian girl would do. She tredged along in the dirt, her layers of gowns and slippers like a nutty clowns... Wondering what she should do... The creatures in the yard mocked her from day to day... First it was Fluffy and Muffy, both causing her grief...
Then it was Fluffy alone (and this is true), he would pounce onto her bedroom door, just to get her attention... And then pose as a statue...

First to the left of the Buddha, then to the right...
As this went on, all morning noon and night... She finally tired of Fluffy's mind games, and skipped on along... Wondering what to do next...
A few days came and went, and still, only spurts of power were allowed. Check your e-mail as fast as you can and then, poof, it's out again...
So, she created a plan, to catch her own shadow... That kookie crazy shadow of hers... But it snuck right away, wearing her clothes, three layers of gowns and don't forget, slippers like a clowns...
Then her sneaky little shadow decided to try, to steal the dogs, oh me oh my!
But no luck, the duck was too alert, I mean dog, oops. And, the pup ran away, before the shadow could cause her any hurt...
So, the shadow thought, in her best Eeyore voice, "Oooh, well, I guess, I could use this time to clean the house..." Instead, she went to the store, walked around, but found it a bore... Then went back to the country home, and played with her favorite gnome...
Then, she sat and she pondered, talking to her favorite hairbrush. The one that came all the way from her dearest friend in Pair-us. (I mean, Paris, hee hee)
She thought it had worked, she had chanelled her friend, Miss Tara, Paris Parfait, is that you? Is that you my dear friend? She conjured a plan, her and her hairbrush. She would pack a bag and head for Paris. Alas, there was this huge problem, she refused to board the plane. So Miss Tara, for now, I made that plan in vain. To surprise you, you see... At a quarter to three. To call you from the airport so you could go rescue me :)
Maybe next time, she thought to herself. Then got lost for hours, playing with treasures her friend had sent her long ago...
Which she cared for and loved, and thanked the elf above (I don't know who the elf above is but, let's just go with it...).
Anyhow, the days went along, the power in dissaray... And the girl did not clean but continued to play. Then she thought of a magical thing she had found right before, her plumbing exploded and flooded the floor...
She ran to the hiding place, where this thing lived, unpacked it and hung it, and behold, it ticked and it ticked...
And she sat, and waited and waited, for the wee little bird... To hop out and say, it is time, have you heard??
But the whole thing happened so fast, darn and blast! (oops) She couldn't quite capture the wee little bird, but you can imagine, he was quite handsome...
And then the news she had waited for, the power would be turned on, yippppeeee, let's explore... A life with more power, to bake you a giant clay flower... Only there was just one thing...
The man, known as Mr. Lovee, with the Kiss band hair, and orange under----(just kidding) :) Took her to the new power center. He said, well, I know it looks bad, and it is right in front of your gallery/shop, but...
Before he could go on, HER JAW hit the floor. And her face turned as red as a bright bursting berry. She shook and she hollered and stomped all about. OH NO no no no!!!! This can't be no no no, remove it right away!!!
All of a sudden, her anger transfered to he, and his blood boiled and steam came right out of his ears. His eyebrows flew right off his face, and his teeth got all pointy and fierce. He spun all around in anger and rage... She realized, what happened. He had worked oh so hard, taking days out of his schedule to trench and to dig, so she could run her kilns back to back, and have a/c and live in peace and spoiled glee.
So, she said, wait wait wait, I actually like it. It is like a canvas. I can paint it pink, I can write A Fanciful Twist on it. He looked at her all perplexed. Wondering, what was next? No I am serious, she said. It had to be, and it is just fine. No big deal. Then she took her hand in his, as he sat in a chair, face to face, him with a bit nicer glare (than 10 seconds ago that is). And she said... Now Mr. Lovee, I have a question, is this big beautiful grey metal box filled with power, a gift from you? He nodded, yes, his face tired, but less and less stressed. Then she said, " Well, then, if it be, that this big metal box, is a gift from you, then I love it all the more, and would hate to see it go."
Then the man said, "Well, that is good because you don't have choice." :) :) She gave him a hug, and brought him a nice hot cup of coffee, as he sat, looking defeated and exhausted.
She scurried away, and knew she was wrong, what was she thinking acting like she lived at the primadonna prom???
So, she went in her studio (getting out of his way), and thought to herself, I'll make another shamrock brooch and play... And so was born a new idea, for making those fun paper brooches...
Cut out all of your shamrocks that you have printed on cardstock (printable PDF here).... Then take pieces of paper, and trace each shamrock onto a different piece. So that you can make a collaged paper brooch... Then cut out each colorful paper piece, and glue it to the appropriate shamrock, and assemble as before...
And even try using those pin backs I spoke of before (or use a safety pin)...
And, use some of your button stash for a center...
Voila, isn't this soooo pretty!! I love it!! A wonderful alternative to no glitter!
So, there you have it a, a very merry cuckoo week. And, now hopefully, getting back to normal!! Can't wait to make my visits!! I feel so out of the loooop!! (it has been like that alot here lately, eh?) xoxo, V