Dreamy days ensued this week, with a couple lovely visitors. All bringing treats and floral magic, in the name of an Achilles' Tendon. Which by the way is doing better than good. I'll be done with this soon, I am making fantastic progress!! Thank Goodness, because I am getting all wiggy and restless... Thank you ever so truly, for all your well wishes!!
What have I been doing with myself? I have been having tea with elves, and creating new bright treats for my room (that I will share in my shop). Also, I have been rearranging my furniture over and over (in my head).
Now, if you are having tea with elves, then perhaps you might have to bring tea with elves to life...
She & the elves have found their way into my shop. And, may I hint that the items found on her walls, will find their way into the shop in 8"x10" size, very soon.
I have been having so much drawing and watching movies time. And, well, can I tell you something, honestly? I have not really minded being hurt, because, I have gotten to do really fun things. Is that wrong? ;) I mean, movies, plus clay projects, plus drawing, plus treats and visitors? It ain't so bad (at all)... I know, I am a rotten horrible girl :)
One thing that did happen is that, I have this bright urge in my soul. I have shared before that my original dance with Art was a very bright modern and even abstract one. So, it never fails that, although I adore vintage and Victorian, Baroque and on and on in those realms... I do crrrave bright and simple in other parts of my soul...
So, to encompass all my loves, I created some new treats for my walls. But, then I thought? Perhaps I should share them with you as well?? They fit 8" x 10" mat or frame openings...
So, I am popping them in the shop as well... I have framed mine. Here is a side view...
I am obsessed with 11" x 14" mats with an 8" x 10" opening. They make such a great size for hanging (or leaning).
I will show you a front facing view too, but, there is an annoying glare from my giant skylight....
So, that is all on the creative front for now. The dolls are almost done, and I am working on a few new mixed media paper dress girls....
In real life news, this weekend is the 8th anniversary for me and Mr. Lovee (it is a two day long event). So, I better be off soon, he is sitting in front of me, asking what I am doing... Also, he is a leg sargeant, so, he is peddling the ice again...
But, I wanted to show you how our other rose bush is blooming... And what it is offering us...
And, when they open, they are just lovely also...
Aren't flowers just the most magical things on the planet? They constantly astound me...
Although, a picky garden can have its appeal too, can't it?
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about my half a heart attack! Yesterday, Mr. Lovee held out his arm so I could hobble out for a tiny walk. I wanted to see the peaches in their very early stage...
When all of a sudden, I felt an odd sensation moving over my feet... It was a creature that Mr. lovee assures is our friend. He also assures that if I get bitten, it is not poisonous? Can anyone confirm this? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
I was not as horrified as I normally would have been, because this snake has been living in our yard for years. He pokes his face out every now and then. But he sure startled this girl...
Oh and Miss Niki!! Send me your address!! You won the postcard pack!!
You see, she gave our wee elfin his name, Berlini. Oh all of you had such gooood names!!! I thought of giving him one endless name... But then of course, he would have this whole complex in a few years, and spend his entire adult life trying to get over his 42 name, name :)
Well, I must be off. I have over extended my weird leg postition on this machine. Mr. Lovee is rigging up a leg rest for me, so I can make some visits this week!! I am sorry I have not been very vocal, but I have read all of your comments and e-mails. They bring out the most delightful overjoyed nutcake, in me!!!
See you soon!!!! V