SO!! Looks like our 200th post party is in a week!!! There are so many things I want to tell you. But I can't. I can't because I will ruin all the fun. Just so much as a tiny snippet, and that will be it. No party surprises ;) So, I am keeping party details to myself. I'll tell ya one thing. I have sooo many secrets right now, that I am feeling hyper-butterflyee in the belly just typing this...
As for our party this coming Ssssssaturday!! All the party details can be found here (plus the flyer), if you have not seen them or had a chance to join in yet. Or you can read the two blog posts below this one, for details... Everyone is welcome!!
Oh, and even though she has long left us to live with a sweet wonderful Miss N... One of my Tea Cup Girls is showing up in spirit, to help us prepare for the event!!
Okay, so, here is what is goin' on in my studio on the party front. I had this Wiiiiillld idea about something I wanted to conjure up for the party... This wild idea, has turned into a very umm, what is the word??? INSANE UNDERTAKING! ya, that works ;) hee hee. It has included Gnome King knows how many hours, of being in a glue bath (meaning, I am in the glue bath). My fingernails feel like baby salamander toes. All soft from being gluey wet. And, I am not sure if it will work... So, keep your pigtails crossed... I have high hopes!! ;)
Also in the studio... Fabric cutting, pasting, testing of mammoth proportions... You see, I am trying to make everything for the party. Not buy anything, except edibles...
And still, I have to be honest, I am not 100% sure, where the path will lead us.
As for other life adventures, we have had a crazy few days. Family in town, food poisoning and those lovely high maintenance visitors for the party, from Kay Ellen (see post below for the arrival).
The second I opened up their suitcase, they popped out in a flash.
Both have very distinct, intense, but totally different accents... Oh they popped out with more opinions than Perez Hilton. They were annoyed at how Fed-ex bopped them around, they were just flabbergasted at how they were expected to stay in that suitcase for so long. And, further more, they were mortified, that their garments were wrinkled... Oh this went on and on.. They were tired, and scrunched and la la la la... (giggle)
So, after 10 rounds of tea, 42 lbs. of carrots and lots of fur scratching... The visitors crawled into my bed. Yes, my bed. I have given it up for my guests. Where they have proceeded to spend, almost 99% of their time. Oh, they just can't be bothered ;)
They snuggle deep down into the covers... And, I have to tip-toe around them... But, I dare say, their ears are so cute, that I can't help but love them to pieces. Over-active personalites and all!!
I have even taken to serving them tiny little tea parties, that they can awake to when they open their wee little eyes...
As you can see... There is ALOT goin' on around here... I best be off to the studio, if I intend to make real party magic happen...
Oh and, just because I am shameless sometimes, when it comes to heat sympathy... Thermometer in the shade on left, and in the sun on right...
Happily though, it is a dry heat and we have lots of trees and even an area I call the Tropical forest. Where I make watery blissful magic happen... I have been frolicking in there ALOT. And, funny enough, when you are soaked, even if it is 115', you feel like it is in the 70's or cooler...
Okay, I am totally veering... So, I better go and keep on track!!! Fill me in on your adventures!!! Whatshhh Goin' on??? xoxo, V
Huge PS Update: Sometime this week, before the party, I am going to put the live links up in the sidebar, with everyone who is participating in the party. I have spent all day today, getting that list pretty well made. And I will continue to add to it, up until Friday at Midnight. Just leave a comment with your link if you have yet to be added...
Regarding the links I have already added (once you notice the links go live)- I had trouble getting to some of your links (2 for certain). Soooo, if you are not on the list, and you had let me know you wanted to be on it in a previous comment, simply e-mail me. I will add you. If you are on the list, and you did not want to be on it, e-mail me as well, and I can take you off in a jiffy ;)
Thanks for being patient with your elfin friend!! ;)