"Oh isn't he just lovely?" she squeal whispered to her Mister. "Oh, yes he is, quite" he replied. She went on - I just couldn't put him down, you know, I had to bring him home...
December 23rd shopping in a funny little shop is where I found him , she said, as she unwrapped carefully... "You know," she went on... "Kristen (sister) said that is was positively 80 year old granny solidifying of me to love such treasures..."
She took it as a compliment...
She couldn't help loving the pig, it spoke to her. Life would never be the same after knowing him ;)
A pig, with a bird on it's back...
And it could hold compote too? This little Piggy came home ;)
With a friend, no less...
Or two... Meet, salt and pepper ;)
Cuties. Silly little cuties I tell you... And there is a precious 4th member... But, I have not unwrapped it yet...
I just want to play with pigs and snails all day...
I got all my parcels out in the mail yesterday- project pieces too. Phewwwww - what a whirlwind of wonderment... It inspired a feast for dinner. Baked beets tossed in their carmelized tops with a drizzle of lemon (cooked seperately, then reunited). A beautiful salad and yams and filet mignon... We are soooo bad... Mister Lovee was a vegetarian for 30+ years. I was only one for 4 years. I guess, we aren't anymore... Ooops.
Now all I want to do is play in the garden. It is in the 70's and beautiful. I guess the truth is, I am not a cold climate girl. I thought I was, but, I am not. The cold snap we had was enough for me...
Wish I could spill the beans on all of the project stuff I shipped out. But, then we wouldn't have anything to look forward to... Plus I have that other secret that I have been promising to share since last April. If I could just get my act together and spruce it up so you could enjoy it ;) ;) I will, soon enough... It isn't that huge of a secret... You'll see... (I can't stand it when people leave me hanging like that, sooory ;)
The studio is a wreck. A total ship wreck I tell you... Things are a complete cross between Grey Gardens and Paradiso Perduto. Sans the cats - I am allergic... I'll have to perfect my Tea for Two if this goes on any longer... By the by, did you hear? Grey Gardens is a movie, not yet released... With Drew Barrymore playing Little Edie... We'll have to see about that for sure... I don't know how I feel about it yet...
Soooo, on the schedule today is tidying up the studio. Where, I have a surprise for you!! I climbed my storage cabinet to go through three shelves of cigar boxes... Why you ask?
To choose the perfect one to fill with...
Bits and baubles, trinkets and treasures, things to make things with... A Giveaway, yes indeed... It could be fun, you might want to join in ;) ;)
Leave a howdy in this post, and in the hat your name will drop ;) As I tidy up, I will plunk trinkets into the box...
I suppose I should be on my way, to do just that - tidy up...
Although, I would rather run and play... And ride my vintage three wheel shwinn around, afixing treasures to the basket... Collecting moss...
I actually did something good. I took out my other 3 wheel bike, the red one, and gave it a bath this morning...
And, oh my goodness, I found an incredible treasure under it. I will show it to you soon... I thought I had lost it, but it was under the bike for the better part of a year...
So, I have my costume of the day on... And I am off to make some sense of it all...
This should help, shouldn't it??
I am going to make a quiche tomorrow and take photos, so that I can share them and the recipe in the next post, I promise ;)
Don't forget to drop your name in the hippity hoppity hat!!!
ps: On costumes - Don't worry, I am not off my rocker. I have been dressing up for the day, in costume, since I was old enough to ask for a curly auburn wig and high heels. So, about 4 years of age. Once my parents went on a trip and left us with the nanny, who was a total bore. So, I spent the entire 3 days in costume on the roof. Where my parents flipped out when they saw in the distance from the road, on their way home, a strange red head on the roof. "Twas I. Oh, there are so many stories. I should be ashamed, but I ain't ;)
pss: It was wayyyyy too lovely to stay inside today... I spent it under the trees with the mild beautiful sun. Some paint and bliss... Now I am going to light the chiminea. Arizona, I love you!!
Am I dreaming? Where are you, I thought you were bringing the guacamole?