Where have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere!! I thought you were coming over for some magical sipping herbs...
I saved you my favorite tea cup I conjured up for the Mad Tea Party... What's that you say, you say you have been out in the rain, knocking on my door all morning long? Oh, you were here the other day too? Where could I have been? Hmmm, welll...
No no, that wasn't me you saw inside still wearing my party hat 4 days after New Year's... I promise ;)
Are you sure you've been knocking? Are you positive? Yes yes, I believe you, I can see perfectly well that your garments are soaked... Oops, well, oh me oh my, do come in...
It has been so rainy and dark - but comforting in a strange way...
I have been in another world, filled with bits of drama and lots of laughs and love and endless tales with the gentleman who gave me the key to...
So let me tell you this - It has been cold, and I have been huddled up with my beau of my heart. Shopping, crying (sappy movies do this to both of us), laughing, cooking, watching movies - sharing french fries and a sundae in the middle of the night. Hugging, singing, doubled over in laughter pains, emotions runneth over... Lock us up for several days, and who knows what is bound to happen...
Half a dozen movies, flowers and hilarious quiz games, that's what...
All I can say is that, a warm embrace in a familiar scent of cookies and baked goods can con me into another world for a few days... No, don't get me wrong, I don't break into bakeries and hug giant loafs of freshly baked bread. Although that could be oddly comforting. I mean, my Mister, he naturally smells like cookies and baked goods, tee hee ;)
As for the days... To me, rainy cold days, are like carte blanche to jump into dream and imagination scapes...
Frozen little fingers share the beautiful ice art collecting in our garden...
I looked out the window, birds huddled in the oleander, trying to stay dry...
I had to be out there... Droplets dancing around me. In two layers of prarie gowns, I escaped the warmth of the houseling... I could hear the Mister, trying to call me back, take a scarf, take a hat you'll catch a cold... I think that is his mission in life. Put on your slippers, put on some socks, here are your vitamins, fresh squeezed orange juice, oatmeal... Who needs a nanny at this rate? Hee hee... (don't get me wrong, I like it, and appreciate it oodles)
But at that escaping moment, I had to burst out of the house, rain or no rain, cold or no cold. I could hear piano keys playing. I was in another place, down the wet path...
I am sure this happens to you. Feelings of fleeting moments, that you want to be a part of... Bubbles of simple beauty that you want to float in. Simplicity that helps the heart, the soul -
Scarecrows with missing heads and tipping bodies, beg for a hand...
Strolling, being in the moment. Nothing more, nothing less...
The mood was now set for playing and creating. Jumping into a fantasy world...
Stories with The Lulettes & Greta...
Tea with horned creatures...
Dress-up with royalty...
Then setting my feet on the ground, and getting to business. So, now, we have to talk! And what we have to talk about is, your wishes. I know I know, they are your wishes, you have a right to ask for anything you want. But I never imagined you would all be so lovely and unselfish.
I consulted my crystal ball today and because it is raining, the crystal ball said to extend the wish list, for a nice sunny day to set wishes free in an interesting way. I am not sure if it will be via balloons this time, but it will be fun and it will ensure the wishes come true.
The crystal ball also said, you should add some selfish wishes. The universe is giving you permission. You all are so wonderfully lovely wishing for world peace and happiness. And I think since we all want that, it will create a huge buzz of positivity...
But, what about a new sofa? Or a new pair of fabulous shoes? Or to wake up to a magically clean house? Winning $5,000. today! You know, something not totally off the wall. A raise, or waking up with a skill you always wanted ;) A package in the mail that knocks your socks off? Mister right walking in the door, Mister wrong walking out painlessly ;) I dunno - let's spice up the wish list.
Get wild and crazy. Wish for a vespa, or extra pearly white teeth. I dunno? A giant gumball?
I know you probably feel like me. I don't want to be selfish, I really don't need anything... But, hmmmm, a fun crazy wish??? I want to wake up with a singing voice. That's all. :)
Or maybe, you want to be a winged mermaid riding a horned creature?
Anything is possible...
♥, V
ps: New canvas prints in the shop:
Little Tree Party 8" x 10"
Tree Party - Felt Ball Forest 11" x 14"
I am keeping one of each of these... They make me happy ;)
See you soooooon, with the flight of the wishes!! ;)