Are there really people out there on the other side of the screen? Mama told me there were a bevy of delightful folks on the other side of this screen. How amazing!!!
My name is Baby. Mama calls me Baby Monkey, but I never ever saw a monkey in my whole entire life. Mama said she showed you a picture of me before :)
Mama said that when Pappy was out of town, she would throw me a tea party and have a special girl day. We don't know my birthday cuz, well, I don't know if you knew this but... Well, I am adopted.
I was adopted at a yard sale over 6 years ago, when I was a little kid. I know it's hard to believe I am adopted, cuz, I look a lot like Mama. But, that means we don't know my real birthday, so I don't get parties very often. But Mama said that was all gonna change...
Mama said, that for the party, you are all invited, and I get to wear her giant vintage ribbon.
As long as I don't roll around or get wet. I don't know how I am ever going to not do those things...
Grandmammie gave Mama a really cool book for her birthday. That book is so cool, you have to see it. It has really fun ideas, for when you want to make puppycakes.
Umm, are there any other furry friends out there reading this? I sure hope so ;)
Anyhow, Mama was baking and baking. She made a huge mess, and Pappy is coming home today. But that's okay cuz, he likes puppycakes a lot. And, we saved him some.
Mama said, I had to wait for you all to get here before I could eat any treats. I am having a real hard time controlling myself. I can hardly focus on anything else...
Mama said it wasn't very lady like to be begging, or eating crumbs on the floor. No sniffing fannies, or scratching ears today.
But, I just couldn't help myself...
I just had to sniff around or my tail was going to wag right off.
Mama was really nice, and didn't scold me at all. She just kept saying things in high pitched tones, so I knew she wasn't cross with me at all.
She set the table. I hope you enjoy it.
It looks realy perty, and I have my own doggy treats with peanut butter.
There are all sorts of things mama made from scratch for you. Like puppycakes with sour cream frosting and cherries. (don't worry, I won't be eating any of that, just my special treats)
Mama said you would think these cakes were yummy...
Mama made a heart cake with a special pan she got a few years ago at Willies Somoa or something like that.
My favorite part of the whole party is playing patty-cake.
It is really hot here. We don't know what happened to the weather. I still have all my winter fur on, so Mama has been filling both of my pools and sitting to watch me do my underwater tricks, while she stays refreshed with giant strawberries.
It was 92' F yesterday, and I almost fainted. Today it is going to be 94' (it actually only reached 82' - thank goodness) I think we are having a heat wave... Which is so weird, because it still might snow in March.
Mama has to go to the post office. But she is leaving me here with my favorite gifts...
And, I thought, since I love to read so much... Maybe you do too?
So, as a party favor, Mama said it would be lovely to have a giveaway for a gift card to Amazon.Com for $25. So, one of you nice humans, could order a lovely book or music or even a DVD. There are all sorts of things you can get at Amazon. I bet you already knew that ;)
Mama said that if you leave a comment, Pappy will draw a name from a hat for the gift card, in a few days.
Hope you enjoy yourself with us today!!
Thank you for coming to my first real Pup Party!!! ♥, Baby