Photos, text and artwork are property of Vanessa Valencia. All rights reserved. If you would like to use any of my blog content/photos, please make sure you give me proper credit and link back to me. Content of this site may not be reproduced in any other manner without written permission. Simply contact me via e-mail. Thank you.
My renewed appreciation for the Shrine I made years ago,
and shared in the post below, all of a sudden makes perfect sense.
All of it slammed together like a puzzle piece...
My Mom reminded me, it was a special day today.
A very special day for a certain someone who meant more to us than she knew.
Meant more to us, than perhaps we even knew.
"Sit back and think," I said to myself.
Think of the woman, whose birthday would have been today, if she had still been here.
49 is young.
Is she watching us?
Is she in Paradiso Perduto?
I grasp for memories. I ask myself questions...
Why don't we take time out of our selfish lives, to do the things we should do?
Take the phone call.
Meet for a chat.
Be there.
You never think that one day, it might be too late.
And the one thing about time passing is, you can never go back.
You just can't.
You can't rewind, even to the last second in time that fluttered by...
I close my eyes and see her.
She was funny.
She loved attention.
She adored feeling needed and wanted.
She loved inventing stories that she wished were her reality.
Her characters were vast.
I forget often, that she is not with us.
And when I am reminded, the swell of pain is far too great -
Far too great.
I dreamed her in a white dress. In this dream, she was running from me asking me to leave her alone, because she was happy wherever she was. But when she saw my tears she stopped, clasped my hands in hers, and whispered to me that, if I missed her, all I had to do was look at my hands, because we have the same hands...
I woke up frantic.
I didn't know if it was true. Did we have the same hands??
Was it really all just a dream?
I searched and searched for a photograph, of her hands...
I found one today.
My heart never ached such an ache.
Did my Aunt really die a few years ago?
My Mother's sister, a missing piece of our very close family.
The first missing piece of our family.
It seems so unbelievable to my mind.
Yet, for some reason, reality hit me today.
Like never before...
I can hear her, "Hi Vannnnnnessssaaa" she dragged my name out dramatically.
Days are curious in a world where art guides your way. You never know what the lock through the secret keyhole will hold. As you open your eyes, that are awakened by pure white light bouncing off walls, you wonder just that...
Some days, I might have one thing planned, but I drift in waves of other worlds and stories, and other people's lives, and memories, some seemingly not my own. Dreams, moments & thoughts swirl...
There are days, where you are aware that you must allow yourself to flow out into the vast sea of thoughts and emotions, a time to refuel, a time to catch inspirations. These are the days that new art pieces may be making their way to you. Wanting to become reality on canvas... Sirens swim all around you while you float on a giant petal in the sea of endless thoughts, much like Thumbelina...
Many times, the ticket master to such a voyage comes in the form of song. Music works its way in and takes you to places...
On this one lovely little day, I turned on my radio in the studio, which normally plays my Ipod, and I was greeted by the CD that sits permanently in my player... It is the soundtrack to Frida, the movie... (If you have not watched the 2002 film, it is lovely, as are all the special interviews in the extras section)
Often I think about Frida, her life, her endurance, her exit (I have shared this in other posts). Growing up in and around Mexico, you learn of Frida very young. I have one of her quotes written on my studio door. It is covered in hundreds of coats of paint, but I know it is there, and it sometimes peeks out...
Lila Downs was in town 2 weeks ago or so, and I missed her, but there is a song, sung by her and Caetano Veloso called Burn it Blue (part of the movie soundtrack), which is so beautiful, I listen to it often. Yesterday, it inspired me into another world...
I went for a walk in the garden while humming the tune. I came upon a shrine I made out of terracota clay many years ago. Oh, it was a fragile creation. It went through so much.
Mass cracking during drying because my coverlet was moved, so it needed rebuilding (mind you, it was already caving in). Then the kiln broke during the first firing. It had to be pulled out and was rained on through a crack in the porch at the Tucson Museum of Art Studio, while the kiln was being fixed. Then, cracking again due to the rain and the bad cooling process when the kiln broke. And finally the actual firing cracked the bottom, but not enough to break the whole piece.
So, here it sits today - a little miracle shrine... (it is huge and heavy actually)
I was inspired to turn it into my version of Burn it Blue. Frida being taken in her bed, to her last exhibit of her work that she would attend. She passed away soon thereafter and beautiful myths of her cremation and funeral are left to haunt the mind...
I had a wonderfully magical time, in this moment. I get really emotional when I hear stories of people's lives (especially artists), and feel what they left behind for all of us to grasp, to learn from, to be inspired by. It is beautiful really...
I always get a knot in my throat when I read what Frida said as she reached her last breath. It is moving and understandable after the difficult life she had...
"I hope the exit is joyful, and I hope never to return"
I also love, "Art and life are one..."
The shrine never seemed so happy...
It sits protected in my bedroom in the country, by santos and angels and dried flowers that I can't get enough of this year. I am so glad I saved Mister Primavera from loneliness at the city house. He sat there for years, and I thought, why not bring him to the country, to make all my lady friends happy ;)
Isn't it odd, how you make something 6+ years ago, and barely enjoy it and love it today? I am funny like that. I have to be right smack in the middle of a dream flutter vibe, and then, I can embrace something madly, that was always there...
Have you ever been minding your own business, and then, you remember something you have, and you go looking for it in the basement, closets or attic like a mad person? Forgotten treasures we already had. Or you just have to see a photo of someone's hands, and you can't find the photo...
I can't even believe I plunked my shrine in the garden all these years, and it survived... Sheesh...
So, there is my tale of how I spent half a day of necessary time, immersed in my shrine... You can see Frida's burning bed at the end of this video made from movie snippets & accompanied by Burn it Blue at about 4:30. (video is probably not for children)
Oh, and did you know that some people have angels with them all the time and don't even know it?
Yep, angels flying about them...
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzing around....
Lucky duck
his little angel tucked
in tendrils and curly cues
given naturally
totally perm free
Mister Lovee
Haha! He doesn't believe me about his angel. Perhaps these photos shall convince him? You think?
Oh and did you hear, of that other pink flowered curly head. So belov-ed - Fluttering through paradise???
I guess, I best be off to conjur up some more entertaining mischief. Oh, did I tell you that I have a virtual partner in crime? (not real crime of course, goodness no, more like recipes and whimsies) My friend Marjorie, who I call, Marrrrrmmmseeee. Anyhow, she made a lovely Coffee Filter Corsage from my wee tutorial, take a peek here... She did scrumptiously!!
Well, I best be off. Oh but wait, I forgot to share a few things , Miss Lisa is opening her shop today!!! And Miss Collage Contessa was nudged into making a pie & she is sharing her recipe!! And Miss Johanna from Good Girls Studio made a coffee filter corsage and put it on a vase, isn't it just lovely? And, I know I am forgetting something...
If you have not watched this Annie Leibovitz or this Leonard Cohen or this Keith Haring film, they are wonderful! (Netflixed) Oh, and I saw Bridewars. I laughed, I liked it. It was good - girl afternoon munching veggie sticks kind of a flick. Even though, I fear weddings :)
Now, I really must stop my endless chatter, chatter, chatter - chatter chatter. I promise no more, Oh Oh, I forgot to say this and that... ;) In this post, at least.
♥ ,V
ps: I am back :) But just to answer some questions about my wooden Santos. They are old antique wooden dolls (with jointed arms that come out) that I got at an antique store, years ago, at different times. They were used in religious processions, and dressed up for the events. A man who was very very old, who had lived in the Philippines collected these and brought them back to America, and over time sold them to an antique store where I bought them. I also got my life size wooden religious procession mermaid there. Funny enough, although purchased at different times, all three came from the same man's collection. So that is how I came to own those.
But I am coveting some creche treasures here at Ruby Lane, and here at Historia-Antiques...
Let's see, this little story begins with a pie. Or better yet, a man-boy who woke up one morning, with the idea of buying a pie for the wife of a gentleman, who was celebrating the occasion of becoming a United States Citizen.
The man in search of the pie (Mister Lovee to be exact) shared this bake goods idea with a certain girl (me). This girl found his pie mission to be rather unusual. He searched for the number of a wonderful bakery that they rarely visited. He rang them up and asked for a large apple pie to be baked special.
Pick one up in 3 hours, said the baker himself!
The day was planned around this pie coming out of the bakery oven. But, the girl had a gut feeling that something curious would happen regarding this baked specimen...
When the time came, they picked up the pie, and the man held on to it as if it would grow wings and fly away...
As he sat clenching his pie, she begged for a peek (she had stayed in the car while he ran in to get it). He seemed unsure of this. He then reached down, and picked up a white bag, and presented a gift to the girl...
Hmmm, thought she. Is he trying to keep me away from the pie?
Oh for goodness sakes, just show me, she said.
Slowly he opened the warm warm warm box...
A beautiful pie.
A spectacular pie.
A truly lovely gift for the nice lady from Guatemala, for certain.
So they drove and drove, back to the country, with the pie. They went to deliver the pie, but no one answered the door. Mister then phoned the recipients to be.
She listened to the conversation. The Mister said words like, "Ohhhh reallly? You just left this morning? Oh, well, have a wonderful time."
Her eyeballs nearly popped out. She knew something like this would happen. The pie owners to be were out of town! For two weeks.
Both Mister Lovee and the girl looked at eachother, and in unison exclaimed, "WE GET TO EAT IT!!"
They ran off with that pie, in what seemed like a pie heist, just in case the recipients really were not out of town. Or perhaps decided to return for the pie ;)
Now, let me tell you. This was no ordinary apple pie. Oh no. No store bought pie. No okay pie. No slightly acceptable pie. This pie was like nothing she had ever tasted. Mister Lovee agreed.
This was a magical baker's pie. Perfect, light, fresh apple pie. Exquisite.
So, they devoured every morsel of a pie (over a few days) that they never would have purchased for their own enjoyment, but boy, did they get to enjoy this one...
And when late one evening they arrived at the last piece, who do you think got to gobble it up?
Now, it must have been that pie, that fueled the craft-lovin' girl to make more of the wristlet corsages from the previous post.
She was like Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde. A Mad Craftista bursting out of her... Her eyes widened with anticipation! Oh, what she could do to those coffee filters with more paint paint paint, she thought...
Oh, she delved into it, color exploding and coffee staining galore...
Orange drenched and then edged in red that bled beautifully (at least, that was her opinion). Click on images for much better view...
Real coral and shells in the center... Paint dusted with salt for a molten effect.
Coral infused - Tropical paradise...
So much fun. Like real petals if seen in person.
Then there was pink, edged in leaf green, tied with buttery soft vintage lace...
Moss, sheet music and a giant vintage button for the center...
And, last but not least. Coffee stained vintagey romance, with a cameo in the center...
Which was stolen by one of the other women in Mister Lovee's life. Oh wait, did you know that? That there were a couple other women I had to share Mister Lovee with?
Ahem, it isn't easy. They don't eat pie. Well, actually, they don't eat at all. They are like 5 feet taller than me, and always look picture perfect.
Just don't tell them they are, ma, maaaan, maaannneq. Oops sorry, I am not allowed to say the "m" word...
Anyhow, one of them stole this cameo infused piece for her hair...
But I stole it back ;)
Heck, if she gets to tango with Mister Lovee under the pale moonlight, I get my corsage back...
So there you have it, my little story of pie & crafting madness.
It was a funny little day today. It was overcast but there were no rain clouds. It was like, time stood still. I can't explain it but it seemed very strange indeed.
I stood in the yard, hoping for one drop of rain, so the ground might look a tad green. Even without rain, I am delighted all the mesquite and pecan trees are looking mighty lovely. It took me 5 hours to water everyone. We have heavy duty irrigation, but they need a personal visit every now and then...
I pruned some rose bushes in our yard, that are on the outskirts of where I normally roam in the garden.
I placed them around the sanctuary, while holding the thoughts of so many people who are having a not so good time, near. Including prayers about the flu scariness and other tid-bits. I also thought good thoughts filled with hope and serenity for you, and you, and you, and family that I love so much...
I might be a wacky crazed bubble-gum chewing nut-cake, but I also have very quiet moments, and my heart strings cup runneth over often...
See you sooner than soooooon!!
ps: Butterfly corsage drawing winner is.... #34 - Rosey from Agapanthas and Goldsworthy!! Yippeee!!! Please e-mail me your address ;)
So, there I was thinking up a pretty & easy treat when I thought, this is perfect for my Mammie for Mother's Day! Perhaps you might enjoy making them for you & yours too? These can be made for any occasion - birthdays, baby showers, parties, or just to add a little fanciful flair to any day of the week ;)
These are like, Pansy Petal wrist decor...
Want to see how I made mine?
It all started with 3 coffee filters.
Flatten them out with your hand...
Fold the filters like a fan. One fold towards you, one away, until you reach the end...
Once you have your folds all done, cinch the center with a pipe cleaner.
Then gently, open up each "petal" one by one...
The next step involves paint. Choose any color or colors of acrylic or watercolor paint, that you want the edges to be...
Water the paint down as much as you can, while still retaining the color.
Then slowly drag your brush along the edges, and watch the watery paint bleed onto the filter petals. This is my favorite part...
Next, cut off the ends of your pipe cleaner, so that you can hot glue a ribbon on to the back, to serve as your wrist tie...
This is the final step to making the base corsage. The next part involves any creativity and imagination you want to incorporate into your corsage. Use papers, doilies, ribbons, felt balls, bits of broken jewelry or anything you wish, to embellish your corsage...
I used wrapping paper for leaves and I hot glued doily edges here and there for extra frill. I used hot glue for this entire project. Make sure not to let children use a hot glue gun without adult supervision :)
Hot glue any fun things to the center, and voila, tie it on and twirl!!
Oh and guess what???
I am giving away the Butterfly Wrist Corsage below... (sorry - drawing entry time has ended)
So, if you feel inclined to own this for yourself or someone you know, say hello (or anything you want) in comments, and your name will go into the proverbial hat. I will draw a name in a couple of days.
So there you have it. Hope you like these, they are oodles of fun to make!!
In other, my little space in the planet news... There was all sorts of nonsense going on this weekend.
Flowers for Madonna.
A date with Mister Primavera...
He is such a dish... ;) What do you think his story is? I love intrigue...
Even an accidental pie heist I will tell you about next time...
Let's see, I also moved things from here to there, and there to here, in an attempt to do the T word.
I scrub and polish fine and enjoy it. It is the tidying that gets me. I mean, I think shoes, scarves and jewels strewn around are highly decorative... Don't you?
Alas, as for tidying, there was no such luck. I have been tidying tainted for life by my staunch childhood nanny, Olga - and a couple others (okay I admit, they weren't easy to keep around. I would share horror stories, but am afraid you won't like me after I tell them).
But Olga, she was good. She whipped me into shape. She didn't take any bologna from this pipsqueak. When she picked up and cleaned and did her thing, the air felt fresh, like we were in the Alps... I need her back. But I don't think her and the country love shack would mix ;)
Maybe she'll work for art and coffee filter corsages? Olga, where are you???
Although my choice surroundings might freak her out. You see, she thought my smurfs were out to get her, and she wasn't joking. So, you catch my drift. Mister Primavera (above) might not toot her horn, ya know?
Anyhow, that's my chatter for the day... I'd best make sure the beautiful rabbits are not eating all the flowers I planted this weekend...
Oh and - photos from this weekend shared on Twitter can be found in my twitter pics. There are also photos over at flickr...
Let's have a lovely start to a fresh new week!! More tutorials and ideas on their way ;)
ps: If you make these & want to share them, I will post your photos ;)
Hello, my name is Vanessa Valencia and I am an artist living in a lovely part of Arizona. I make all kinds of art, from painting to clay sculpting. I love tending my gardens and cuddling my dogs. This blog is about art, lifestyle, gardening, cooking, crafting & every single little magical thing in between ♥