Happy Easter, Happy Day, Happy beginning of a new week!
I some how missed Easter. Not in my heart, but in a physical sense. I don't know how? It was Easter morning, I was going to put on ruffles and drive home to surprise my family, and then the day was gone.
I have a looming deadline and lots on my plate, so I suppose that is why time is slipping out of control in my world right now. The only way to console the day whizzing by was to make? Cascarones of course!
Cascarones are eggs that have been emptied out, washed, dried, filled with confetti and sparkles, sealed, and then decorated. I grew up with cascarones shaped like the one I made, and like the ones you see hanging upside down here...
The cascaron I made is full of sparkles of all kinds, mica flakes and crepe paper. A beautiful mess waiting to happen!! (Thanks to Mister Lovee, I have glitter nail polish on. I was so tired last night and sore from the loony activities I get myself into, that he painted them for me. That Mister curly head...)
Sooooo, what's the point of all this cascaron talk you ask? Well, this happy fanciful cascaron is going to live with one of you!
Now I don't recommend the traditional cracking of the cascaron on someone's head, at all. And, try not to get any of the contents near or in your eyes when you crack it ;) Boy, am I turning into a concerned adult or what? hahaha! But seriously now...
I love these for weddings and parties too, even though in Mexico we use them for Easter celebrations, they are fun for any occasion really.
So, here sits a sparkly cascaron, waiting for a name to be drawn, so it can journey to a new home...
Might I suggest cracking yours outside ;)
Okay, best be off, I am working on three paintings at the same time ;) Have a super lovely minute of every minute, and I'll see you soon...
Leave a howdy, and in the hat your name shall go for the cascaron giveaway.
ps: I am over-joyed that you liked the little Elfin Egg Head wrappers in the post below!! Thanks bunches!
Look at what Robin did with hers, she made them into cake toppers!!! SO CUTE & creative, thanks Robin!
pss: Tiny Spanish lesson ;) One Cascaron. Two or more = Cascarones