nce upon a time there were five beloved gals who went on a voyage that magically placed them on the pages of Somerset Studio Magazine...
Now, you might recall part of this story and these girls from a while back, but it has a new twist. You see, the girls had no idea their Mother had sent them on such an exciting journey (memories of that journey long ago, found here). When they returned they carried with them tales a plenty. Tales of the things they saw behind the scenes at Stampington Headquarters (not really, but it sounds good, doesn't it? ;)
After they returned from their trip, these girls were in 2 art shows, where many folks offered to give them homes. Alas, their Mother was not ready to set them free...
Then, an enchanting thing happened. One of the sisters, The Girl in the Music Box found herself in the year 2010...
She was in April of 2010 to be exact, in a lovely full size Calendar with 11 other delightful art pieces...
She was part of Stampington's.......
Lovely debut of Somerset's first art calendars, yay!!!
The Girl in the Music Box was having such an exciting life, that she encouraged her Mother to set her and her sisters free. Free to go on adventures to new places. Grand hopes of new homes these 5 sisters had. They were ready to fly...
So, it was on a day when diamonds fell from the sky (lots of ice cold hail yesterday), that this girl, decided to set the sirens free...
And so, that is how it came to be that the girls can now be found in my shop, right here. You will also find details about each painting in my shop.
Below are some detailed images of each art piece -
Freeing of the Chanteuse
In her Gown (which has a bit of a Marie Antoinette feel)
The Siren's Dream
The Girl in the Music Box
This is the first time I have offered these original art pieces for sale. All five are in my shop as I type...
Also, as I eluded to in this blog post title, there is a treat involved here. I have one 2010 Somerset Art Calendar to give away!
Just leave a howdy hello in comments, and your name will go into the proverbial hat ;) I will announce the name drawn next blog post...
I have a million and one more things to say, but I must be off for a little bit, to get some of my duties done today ;)
See you sooooooon!