I am so excited to finally get to share this season's holiday cards, plus a couple new additions to my card line. I can't express how lovely the quality of the cards is in person. They are smooth and silky and crisp and clear. I hope you like them too, as I am delighted with the final product...
So, let's just jump in, shall we? I shall reveal a secret at the end of this post. Oh and, none of the watermarks on the cards appear on the actual cards.
Elfin Cottage Christmas (front) -
Back side- (verbage next to the little blue elfin house on the back says "And, a Happy New Year")
The next one is called Into the Sugar Plum Fairy Forest (front side)-
Back -
Next we have Holiday Tea Party (front)
Back -
And last but not least on the holiday Front is-
A Curious Bell Jar Holiday (front)
Back -
The next one I feel can be used for any occasion. And, you could very well send it out for the holidays or as a new year greeting as well.
Madonna (front)
I really can't convey how lovely the cards look in person, so I took a photo, but I am not sure it actually conveys...
And last on the New Card Front, but exciting because I didn't know if the colors would turn out, and they did (better than I thought in fact)...
Frida Kahlo and the Butterfly (front)
The colors turned out very peaceful in a way, and I am pleased with that, as this piece is very special to me...
I also made a 16 card assortment pack (2 of each) of Holiday cards that are in my shop. I included Tree Party and Elfin Party in this set because, they are not exactly made for Holiday, but they do have a festive vibe that fits. Also can be found in my shop.
So there you have it. Let the Holiday fun begin! I am in full blown Holiday buzz mode. Halloween got away from me way too fast, so I am going overboard with my Holiday celebrations as to not miss a morsel of the magic.
Sooooo, in secret news.
You know how I have been crazy busy since August, going back and forth from the city house to the country house, and trying to finish my office??
And, you know how I told you there was motivation behind that?
Well, the reason is because I am inviting you all over to my house for Open House Tea, virtually of course.
To explain you see, Jen of Indie Fixx invited me to participate in sharing my living spaces in her"A Peek Inside: Indie Home Tours" section (teaser revealed here). I told her I would work to finish my office, so it could be included (3 months later she received my photos, eeps!).
But, it gets wackier, if you like peeking in people's homes that is. I will be having an Open House Week right here at my blog that will coincide with Jen's Peek Inside Tour, showing most of my living spaces (both city and country house and more) and details and peeks in deeper than I have ever let anyone in ;) This will happen in a couple of weeks. I will let you know exactly when, very soon.
We are putting on our ruffles and favorite bangles, and opening the virtual doors to you...
I will even let you peek into my cupboards (just kidding). Truly though, it has taken me a long time to share the inside of where I live work and play to the extent that I will during A Peek Inside at IndieFixx and my Open House week.
I hope it is something you would like to peek in at ;) as I have worked very hard (finishing my office and such) to be able to have you visit as virtual guests ♥
I have little humble spaces, filled with all sorts of stuff - but you might have fun, so I hope you do come over for Open House Week (dates coming soon).
So there you have it. Next on the list, elves and cake heads and gardening in the country. It is still summer here it seems...
Yesterday I brought over 1,000 lbs. of stepping stones (57 stepping stones in the end) and cement pots and sculptures and plants (by myself because I think I am Popeye sometimes) from the city house to the country house.
I originally went over to pick up a pair of shoes and do a few important odds and ends. Before I knew it I was pulling up stepping stones with a crowbar, washing them, and carrying them one by one to my car...
They were in my back courtyard and never saw the light of day, and were hidden from sight. So I decided I wanted them with me in the country. Inspiration for my little vegetable garden and such...
So I guess it is safe to say, there is oodles of fun stuff on the horizon.
Oh and, I am super delighted that you loved that fused plastic bag tutorial. It is truly a great project and wonderful use for plastic bags. It is so sturdy, Mister and I sit around talking about all the things you could make with fused plastic, and how the world could be changed with it ;)
Per the random number generator and proverbial hat, the winner of my little Gift bag with treats inside is #45...... Lorraine from LP Vintage, Yippee Yay! Please e-mail me your address Miss Lorraine ;)
Sooooooo, that is that for today. Anyone need a Shirley Temple with triple cherries? I am buying ;)
See you soon!
ps: To get to my shop, all you have to do is follow this link.