I am done, Yippppeeeee YAY!! The hugest part of my deadline is complete, and on an airplane. I just have a few loose ends to wrap up. But, I am basically done, and sooo happy to be making my way back through the looking glass...
I have made more art in two months, than I have in two years. I have packaged, stepped out, organized and sorted through bits and pieces, until all I could do was stare into space...
I challenged myself with this project (which I will reveal in detail, as soon as I know that a peek will be possible). I am sooo happy that it is on its voyage, and I can finally breathe a sigh of relief...
You can only imagine what my work spaces look like. Oh heck, who am I kidding? The whole house looks like an explosion went off... ;)
I am not joking...
So many funny things happened over this last incredibly intense week. I started going a bit mad. Or perhaps, a lot mad. Mister Lovee truly deserves some sort of huge award. Although he gets lots of massages, even when I need one myself, so maybe that is good payment?
He was on hand, working from his home office all week, so that he could make sure I didn't get lost under piles of paint and paper.
One day this past week, a storm blew in. It has been 80'F +, for two weeks, and then it dropped to 50' with rain, for two days. A huge treat.
So, I decided we needed to bake a pumpkin pie...
And cover it with whipped cream from the can :)
I frankly, don't think I have even had whipped cream from the can in my home, ever...
So Mister went to the store.
We baked our pie, and it was yummy. It made the house smell like fall, and stirred such wonderful feelings in my heart.
Then I pulled an all nighter.
In the morning, as I was having my daily grapefruit and making coffee, I decided that I need to shake the Reddi Whip can, open my mouth, and press that magic Reddi Whip button nozzle thingamajig...
So, I did.
Because really, I had wanted to do that my whole life, or at least ever since watching Goonies 500 times, in junior high...
As I did this, I made sure Mister got a good look at my antics.
He looked up from his newspaper, saw me shooting Reddi Whip into my mouth from the can, and then kept reading.
He totally blew me off. He really didn't care, and/or wasn't amused.
So, I shrugged and went on with my day.
In the afternoon, we were set to have steamed healthy tacos for dinner. But, I decided I needed a pizza. And, most of you know, I don't even like pizza that much. Because, I don't really like cheese, and red sauce is only growing on me as I get older and make it from scratch...
Anyhow, I wanted Pizza and wings :)
So, Mister said, place the order and I will go get it.
I proceeded to call the pizza place down the road, 3 times, and no one answered.
Mister Lovee then goes looking for me and asks, "how much time before the pizza is done?"
And I tell him---- with quite a somber look on my face...
"No one answered...and I called three times..."
Sigh... (we both agreed that, that was quite strange)
Now, keep in mind that Mister Lovee is of the Mother Nature, health food, Yoga Master persuasion, born Jewish. And, I am of the Loud Latino Catholic upbringing (with a bit of French swirled in).
So, I jokingly (with a quirky smile on my face) say-
"I think God doesn't want me to eat pizza...."
And Mister Lovee says - (in his hilariously cheeky way)
"Oh ya? And where was God this morning when you were shooting Whipped Cream straight out of the can, right down your throat?"
Hahhaaaaaaaa!!! I laughed and laughed and laughed..... Isn't he funny?
(Oh and, that night we had healthy steamed tacos, as originally planned :)
And with that hearty laugh, I was catapulted straight back here, through the looking glass...
Done with my project deadline, and ready for some serious fun!!
It's time to play.
I mean, really play.
The creatures are already showing up...
Stay tuned, won't you? We are finally mere moments away, from revealing the madness, I promise.
I'll be back ever so soooooooon ~
♥ ,V
ps: Baby is doing well, she seems comfortable, but may have to go back to the vet for some other weird thing her meds may be causing. I made Mister cry this morning by telling him that your prayers seem to be doing wonders for her. I am not kidding. She has moments where she is so herself, that I forget about that retched thing in her head. I wish it would disappear.
Thank you soooo much for being so kind to us, truly...