Thank you for stopping in for a little stroll through the garden. It has taken me two weeks to edit all these photos (there are oodles here today), so that I could invite you in for a proper virtual garden visit...

Gardening and painting are really my two loves. My garden is a bit shabby (as in literally shabby) cottage, but I do love it so. Especially since a green garden in the desert is not very common...
So, here is a proper garden post, and a little tour, with more photos than you bargained for ;)

Sometimes, I wander around my garden and feel like, I am getting to enjoy some of the hard work of the little old lady that lived her about 20 years ago (although Mister did a ton, and added a corridor of trees and shrubs years ago). She planted the coral, blood red and pink frosting roses. Mister Lovee said she was mean and rotten, and made everyone miserable on our sleepy street.
But, I like to think it was because, she could only communicate with the roses...

Mister Lovee says that the old lady's husband was a quiet man. He was more than shy and silent, and quite curiously introverted. He built all the canning facilities that were here (as well as the greenhouse that is almost gone), and all the cabinets and closets in those rooms. He did such a good job, you practically have to blow up the shelves to get them out of their sockets.
He worked quietly and meticulously.
I even heard a fairy whisper in my ear, that it was he that tended to the roses all those years ago...

I wonder if he saw all the magical things I see around here too?

So much goodness lives here. I am so glad my path wound me around, to this place...
With its, lucky spring-time abundance.

And, blessed abundance.

And even a hearty dose of, pinch me, abundance...

As spring faded into more summer weather, trees started to gather leaves...
Under billowing clouds, I pruned roses every morning for a month at 5 a.m. I thought that rose season for 2010 was complete. But, now I see that the rose bushes are going to gift me another wave of roses.
This is too good to be true.
I sure hope I deserve all that rose love ;)
Anyhow, let's continue our stroll through the front garden...
And over to my hidden garden...
The front garden and this garden are separated by giant oleander bushes. This is my enchanted beloved little garden right outside my office/playroom door, which leads to my gallery on the right...
I have 8 garden areas, filled with sprouting goodness, that I planted this year. I will show you a few snippets of them, but not all, for fear of boring you silly ;)
(now you know where I have been spending all my time lately)
In this little hidden garden you will find~
Furry Flowers...


Love. In petals and fur...
Huge growing red velvet sunflowers. You can tell they will be red velvet from the dark veins...
The only sad news is that, I am losing huge chunks of my garden, including life size sunflowers, to gophers. They are attacking with a crazy force. I lost a 6 foot garden length of sunflowers, that were just sucked into the ground by gophers over the course of one afternoon.
Mister says we have about 8 gopher families living in my moist garden soil, since everywhere else is dry, and therefore too hard to dig in. He has lost huge trees and healthy climbing vines to gophers eating roots. But in my case, they are just sucking my garden down into oblivion. Or, into their bellies. One or the other...
They cause our concrete slabs to cave in due to underground tunnels, and they cause me lots of grief from time to time.
I know people say, embrace them, don't worry about them. All I can say is, it is easier said than done. Unless they are harassing your garden, they seem cute and adorable, don't they?
I have been planting almost everything in chicken wire and caging others. Who knows what will happen. At least I got this far. I actually, had to replant most of my garden the first time around, 3 months ago, as I lost most of my seedlings to critters.
Luckily, my worst downfall and my most valuable trait, saved this year's garden with sheer-
Foolish Determination.
Oh, but the spectacular news is that, these little guys went from this...

To this... (8 ft in the background already)

Oh and, this giant dwarf sunflower below...

Gets huger every single afternoon, as my skin gets toastier.
I just love this time of the year...

I love planting from seed. It is the most miraculous feeling. Seeing a tiny seedling turn into a life size sunflower. 90% of my garden was grown from seed. I have worked tirelessly on it, and I am gob-smacked at the results. It has taken me 10 years to see results like this in the country.
In previous years, my city house garden was my greatest joy. So, I have brought most of my potted plants from there to here. And many have been put in the ground here.
I am also trying to grow roses and ivy from cuttings (I followed all the rules). The ivy is coming along. The rose cuttings are still alive in the soil, after two weeks. Time will tell...
Oh, I veered majorly, what a surprise ;)
I was telling you about my hidden garden...
And how you will find things growing in there, like Passion Fruit vines (which have already gifted us ripe fruit)...

And, Alice Dupont Mandevilla...
Oh, all sorts of precious little flowers fill the space (actually the one below is pretty big).

Cosmos everywhere...
Tender little creatures...
There is a carnation patch in the main front yard garden that I love.
Even the cacti give precious flowers...

Oh and, don't you just love Foxglove and Delphinium? I am enjoying some cut flowers from the garden, inside...
They are actually growing in a little garden I planted under a big mesquite tree, just behind my gypsy wagon...
One of the moments I have been waiting for the longest, is starting to unfold. It's the blooming of the wildflower seeds I planted months ago. Slow, but worth it.

I am collecting all the seeds I can from dried blooms, for next year's planting spree...

I just adore dried herbs, don't you?

I planted 3 small lawns from seed, and they all grew. I tested two kinds of grass seeds, and found it all quite interesting. I had a little grass seed left over, so I made Mister his own lawn love path...

We waited a couple of weeks...

And then, like magic in the desert, there was grass (with a lot of love & water that is, although I believe in water conservation, so our indoor use water, like the washing machine, all filters into the garden). Mister's little lawn love path looks like this, and the pups love it.

Oh, oh oh, but the best part. I saw lady bugs for the first time since childhood. There are a couple huge ones in my super tall flowering parsley.

Aren't lady bugs just awesome?

I heart ladybugs, a lot.
You will see more of another secret garden soon, where the flower below lives. Soon like, maybe when there is a wild party, or somethin'...

Below is (to me) one of the most exciting areas in my garden. This space houses some of my pumpkin and gourd vines (there are others in other places). Oh and, there is some Nasturtium growing that I planted from seed as well. It's the lily pad looking plant (I am eager for it to bloom)...

I have pumpkins growing on both sides of the front garden.
Mister says that if I grow one pumpkin (if, being the operative word) -

At the end of the season, it will be the 500 dollar pumpkin, due to time invested, water usage (which I am being rather frugal about anyways) and energy. One 500 dollar pumpkin is all he is predicting. Umm, very funny...

I sure hope he isn't right ;) I have everything ready to hand pollinate as soon as some girl flowers show their faces.
Oh and, my snail vine is blooming. I LOVE snail flowers, so unusual...
Notice how many times I have said "oh, and" - I should be fined for that ;)

I have always grown huge hibiscus plants at the city house. So, I had to have one here...

But beware, for when you are gardening, you might get attacked by that pure wonderful Matty love I have told you about...

He is soooooo sweet when he is sweet.

And, I feel so over-joyed that he loves me so much...

Don't worry, he doesn't bite down on me hard at all, he is just playing...
He is a sweety love muffin.

And maybe, just maybe one day, he might consider liking someone other than me and his human daddy.

He is getting socialized. He went on a long outing today with me and Baby, in the car, and we made some visits to Granny, Grand Pappy and Uncle Adam. He is getting better socially. Slowly, but surely...
(I hope)

Little rascal!

And, as a last little tid-bit, I planted my first tree at the country house. There are lots of trees here already, but there was a space in my hidden garden, that really was screaming for a tree. So, I did a ton of research, and talked to an awesome woman at a nursery, and I finally settled on a Live Oak tree...

It has been in the ground about a week or so. And guess what?

A yellow belly (bellied) finch already moved in.

So, there you have it. 3 blog posts in one. The longest blog post ever, and a little stroll through my garden...

I hope you enjoyed it a little and that it didn't bore you beyond silly. Although, silly is good. Isn't it?
See you sooner than soon!