I am going mad, yes positively mad. Making this, and painting that. Baking this, and stitching that. But, I have help you see...
If you can crawl past the giant sunflowers, and their Jack and the Bean Stalk ways, you can get a peek at my helper.
Through the cottage window, a sparkle and a twinkle...
Why, it's Magic.
I am talking real magic, of the most fantastically imagined variety. Magic that lives where spider webs hold secrets...
In the little silver building, that used to be used for canning (many many years ago)...
But now holds, skin tingling goosebump magic galore.
If you believe, that is.
Through the Mystical Peacock door, is where you will find me.
Up to my eyeballs in orbs, preparing for mad tea, which is on its way in only one week, meeeeeep!
I know just what mixture I need...
To help make enchanted madness, out of weeds...
Oh, and did I mention that the flamingos have arrived, just in time for croquet?
Time does fly, but I just can't wait, Mad Tea, Mad Tea, in less days than 8.
Are you ready, to play & dance the night away?
Just remember, try not to be late, late, for a very important date ;)
I am up to all sorts of nonsense, and don't tell Mombie, but I have been sleeping with all sorts of things in my bed (fabric, dolls, paper etc.), and paint dripping down my arm...
All for the love of a Mad Tea Party!!
Off to prepare, and skip to my lou, I am so excited, zip-a-dee, do!
♥ ,V
ps: This year's party feels very enchanted forest to me, and this video I happened upon, inspires that feeling- don't you think?