There are several kinds of days that I love, however, there is one type of day, that I just adore. Those are the days where I get to stay home all day, tucked into my room, cleaning, dusting (once in blue moon), listening to music, organizing trinkets and treasures, and simply being.
It's so super lovely to just get to be peaceful in your own space. Folding laundry, tidying up drawers and taking a moment to appreciate the things that you love to surround yourself with...
Today I picked out some of my dried flowers to share with one of my beloved Madonna statues. I love to create little shrines, and made her a new little shrine space today. They bring me so much joy. I am also adoring the shade the coral roses dried in. A very dark brilliant pink...
I quite love lighting a candle or two, the warm glow is so lovely. Do you enjoy candles?
I think that it is days like this, that also infuse the soul, and replenish my mind a bit. It's like a tiny vacation. Playing with pretty things, and bonding with your space.
To add to today's loveliness, it has been lightly raining, and deliciously overcast (a treat in sunny Arizona). The storms are a reason you did not see me yesterday or earlier today. The storm has been playing with my internet connection madly. I hope I have success in posting this...
As for playing with trinkets - I like to move some of my things around, leave them in their new space for a while, then move them again. Do you find yourself doing that too? Part of collecting treasures is taking the time to enjoy them, and I do think that moving them around aids in the enjoyment factor.
My little vintage gold bag (clutch) above is a daily use staple for me. I carry immediate necessities in it. Library card, debit card and anything I need right away. I also carry a giant wallet and a 40 lb. carpet bag (clutch and wallet ride inside the giant bag), but that's a tale for another day (maybe it's not thaaaat heavy - more like 20 lbs.). I have been carrying the same huge carpet bag for a decade (you have seen it here before, I think?). I just fall in love with things, and they become a part of me in a curious little way. Do you have an item you have used for the past decade (or longer), daily?
One thing I miss from the city house are my perfume bottles. Even if I only use the same signature scent -been using my scent since I was 14, and never tell a soul, soory ;) - I still love perfumes and perfume bottles. Too much scent gives me a headache, but a light breeze infused with a tinge of scent is quite yummy to me...
On these, cleaning of the little room days, I love to figure out ways in which to organize jewels and trinkets. Recently I picked up what looks like a cast iron fireplace surround (at Sue and Jerry's). It had some places where I could tie lace across, and so it seemed a perfect place to hang earrings and such from.
The tip about lace is that, it is perfect to dangle earrings from, because you can simply weave baubles (like earrings) through the lace, and they hold safely...
I will weave a few more earrings through the lace after I visit with you, and vacuum (something I like to do almost everyday).
A day to just be, is cherished indeed.
Actually, I do believe that I am off to snuggle in my red chair, read a little, and simply sit and watch candles flicker. I will vacuum tomorrow ;)
Yes yes, that sounds like the perfect thing.
That and, playing dress up with my wee boy...
I think that scarf is totally him, don't you?