It is 5:35 p.m. as I type. The sun is setting, and Halloween is almost in full swing. We have been nibbling treats, and about 5 minutes ago the re-plumb of the love shack was completed. Just in time for us to dress up and run around under the trees.
I made homemade toffee apples, and Mister contributed sugar cookies, candy corn and mini cupcakes to our party for 2. Matty is invited, but of course, he gets doggie treats ;)
Black and orange.
I LOVE that combo ;)
Guess who got a new head today?
I know some of you wonder how his head stays on for 365 days. I really didn't know myself, until I tried to take off last year's head earlier today. It was hard as a rock. Fossilized really :)
It rarely rains here, so there is no real chance for pumpkin head sogginess, I suppose.
I am so excited to be here because, I have wanted to share some campfire magic with you for ages. Some of you may already know this trick. But, Mister and I think we have the perfect combo for making magic...
(be very careful, & note, only fire cautious adults should try this. I am not responsible for any mishaps, okie dokie?)
You might recall some fire flame magic conjured up on New Year's?
What you will need to make magical sparkly tender poofs of twinkling color in your flames are the following ingredients. I make about this size batch...
In one large bowl mix, 3 cups granulated sugar & 1 cup flour.
That's all.
You can make less, but I recommend following the 3 parts sugar to 1 part flour ratio.
If you don't have flour, use straight granulated sugar.
And then, get ready to make magic :)
Gently toss your magical mixture into your campfire, and quickly stand back...
Then watch, as your flames come to life...
Little sparks of purple and blue show their faces, in a much funner way than I could capture on film...
Toss a hearty handful in, you never know who or what might emerge, with your magical touch...
Twirls and dances, and swirls of flames...
As you toss your mixture in, it will sizzle, and little sparkles of lavender and gold will flutter.
And faces, so many faces...
If you are lucky, you just might be greeted by a dancing fairy, like below...
Followed by a screaming goblin...
You just never know, what this baker's magic will bring.
What will you see?
What will you conjure?
Ooooo's and Ahhhh's, as tender natural fireworks emerge, is what you will find here...
When you least expect, a fluttering creature might jump out of the flames, and fly into the night sky.
Maybe an alien child might try to make contact?
And then, morph into a butterfly...?
The magic happens in the blink of an eye.
It's sparkly, and beautiful.
A trick, and a treat, all in one :)
Give it a whirl, if you haven't tried it before. It's magical, it's twinkly, it's fun galore.
I must fly off myself, I have a costume waiting...
And another campfire planned, with marshmallows and Hebrew Nationals (btw, that's a hot dog brand, in case you didn't know, tee hee), and more magic for this fine evening!
Have a marvelous Halloooowwweeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!
From all of us over here at, A Fanciful Twistling, to you!
Love, V
Happy Hauntings ;)