Hello there!
It's super duper extra springy outside, mixed with sweets and breezes and picnics at home to come.
I am peeking in to say heloooooooooo, and Happy Easter too!
While mister is out getting a few things for meal preps, I am sneaking in to chat with you, and share what's up around our neck of the woods.
I gardened for 7 hours this morning.
(I wonder if things would be easier if I didn't grow 95% of my garden from seed? With protecting seedlings and more. But then again, I love the excitement in watching seeds grow)
Then got some pretty blue eggs ready for hiding.
Finding the right spot is just the key to a successful egg hunt, me thinks.
Hiding them is almost more fun that looking for them.
Don't you think?
Snuggle them in, cozy as can be...
Not too hidden, but tossed naturally about, here and there...
Pretty blue eggs do just the trick...
Okay, so I got a little carried away...
Miles is like, "Hey mumsers, watcha up to?"
"Got a couple of them eggers there fur me?"
And I am like, nope, but I have an Easter cascaron to share with you...
And he's like, "a casca what?"
But before I can explain, I have cracked it in my hands and let the tiny confetti fly about.
It's so pretty in his fur...
Matty comes over and sniffs around.
But, he is sick of me for the day, and goes to nap on the chaise. What with me forcing him to take a nice warm shower and all. He is extra lovely when he is clean.
Miles eyeballs the eggs....
Miam miam...
But I quickly gather them up - as their human papa is expecting deviled eggs right about now!
I hope you are out scampering around somewhere lovely, enjoying a beautiful day, filled with belly laughs and deep fresh breaths of spring air!
It's springing everywhere, well almost everywhere.
In other places it's fall! How exciting too!
And with that, I bid you adieu and also get to say, see you real sooooon!