It's the maddest time of the year, the maddest time indeed. Time for preparing for our annual Mad Tea Party. Tea cups, cakes, crafty garlands, sparkles and more! As I was preparing to make my way to invite you to join in, I heard a curious sound coming from around the bend...
Who could it be thought me?
Color and magic, song and laughter, filled the air...
No no, it wasn't Ian McShane, and no, it wasn't Keith Richards either....
Why, it was the Mad Hatter himself!!
What a treat to see him again this year ;)
But wait, what is this?
Why, it's his trusty chicken of course!
(or is it a rooster?)
They have traveled from far far away, to make it here, to you and me.
To invite us quite properly...
With the sound of his horn, and the tic toc of his clock...
He cries out with glee!
"Come one, come all, to the 4th annual virtual Mad Tea Party!"
Go mad, go ruffly, throw in some bloomers and tea cups and twirls galore! Invent things as you go along, and more! It's mad, it's tea, it's a parteeeeeeeeeee!
What fun, what fun!!!
Winged pigs turn up to celebrate the glorious announcement.
And fluffy furry creatures are also invited to join in!
But wait, wait, what's this we hear?
A swirly, sweet and twisty secret to share?
Why yes, oh yes!
It's a deliciously sweet and wonderfully frosted secret we get to reveal!
The secret lies within cakes, and super pretty treats.
Edible sweets, and confection delightments beyond our dreams!!
You see, the maker of this cake, happens to be...
The super lovely and beloved Rosie, of Sweetapolita.
And guess what?
She is this year's honorary guest.
How lucky for us!
Thank you Rosie!
(that's lovely Rosie below)
Rosie brings such excitement to the party with her "fancy cakes and confections."
Such inspiration for a cakier, bakier, craftier, makier, and madder tea party than ever, don't you think?
I do, I do!
Just look at a few of the treats she creates!
I put some of her pretty treats together below.
A cake artiste me thinks, for certain!
So this year, let's make it super fun, with lots of homemade goodies, and crafty projects. What do you say?
Anything goes, as always.
Won't you please join us
June 25th, 2011
The Mad Hatter made sure to swirl magic into the air, under the full moon, in order to add extra enchantment to this year's event...
Time to whip up some goodness.
I simply can't wait!
Below you will find this year's flyer, and blog button.
Simply click and save, to use on your own blog.
Alice and the rabbit joined in!
(2 button sizes below)
200 pixels wide
150 pixels wide
Do you remember the party drill?
If not, here you go...
Wondering what to do if you sign up?
If you are signing up to participate in the Mad Tea Party all you have to do is leave me a comment, with your blog link, stating that you wish to join in...
Then follow these 4 bits of advice (err, rules)...
1) Share the flyer and/or the button on your blog as soon as possible and link to me. I will then add your name to the "Mad Tea Partiers" list in my LEFT hand side bar, and link back to you.
2) On the day of the party, June 25th 2011, please make sure to post a Mad Tea Party post of your own, on your blog, linking to me. Other partiers will be visiting you on that date.
3) IMPORTANT - On the day of the party, after you have your own Mad Tea Party blog post up and running, please leave a comment at my Mad Tea Party post, including your "Actual Party Link." It will serve as an archive of all partier links.
4) Blog hop with the other partiers on the day of the event and have a mad blast!
Note: Please make sure you post a party post on your blog on June 25th if you sign up. If you sign up and later find that you can't make the event, please let me know and I will remove your name from the list.
So that's that.
Easy as pie ;)
Magic and Whimsy abound!
We hope to all heart hopes that you can make it.
What joy, what fun!
It's mad, it's virtual, it's a party just for you!
Time to get busy ;)
(If you would like to see parties from year's past, click here)
Much love, V
ps: I so tried to get here sooner, but we have had construction in the garden for 3 months of craziness (which got a hair crazier lately). Plus, a party in the garden last night that took days of planning, and busy busy bee times all day yesterday preparing for the guests. It was for boys, so I hid at night ;)
But now, now it is time for the Mad Tea Party, and all the wonderment and surprise it brings. With lots of crafty ideas leading up to the day. I am so excited, I really am so looking forward to it!
pss: Important note - I will be adding names to the list every couple of days. If you don't see your name on the list (after a couple of days), and you want to be on, please contact me. Sometimes things do slip through the cracks when I upload links, so don't hesitate to let me know, please. I just noticed a couple of people I added last week, not on the list. So it does happen. Just send me a note and I'll take care of it ;)