We are back from our weekend adventures, with tales to tell too. However, I am going to save those for next time, as I came home to find something fun to share!
The Summer 2011 Issue of Where Women Create...
The exciting news is that I am in this issue, in a section called
"The Business of the Studio."
(The pages are much more clear and lovely in person, my camera was in weird light)
This is so exciting, however, the most fun is the reaction from my family. As you know, I spend 95% of my time looking like a dirt mouse. I am always in the garden, or covered in paint. My life is a whirlwind of country house chores, running my own little business and never ending things to do. These days are far from the seemingly glamorous life I once led ;)
(Last night I was trimming mass amounts of a huge mesquite tree, with a hand saw, for pete's sake. Haha!)
It's quaint and work filled, but full of love and goodness.
So, when I get a call from my sister, who is screaming in a paper store in New Mexico because she just glanced at this issue in a rack in said shop, and had no idea I would be in it...
Well, it is the most heart fun thing ever.
I truly believe that sharing with people who care about you, is the best part of the whole thing.
It is a wondrously surreal feeling, to see yourself published anywhere.
It is really heart thumping and whirlwind twirly feeling.
And also, it makes me feel sort of, shy in a funny way.
I am not shy.
Or maybe I am, in a round about way?
Nah, my family would teeter on saying I am overbearing and loud ;) and maybe even, pushy?
But, there is also a part of me that hides in closets at certain parties...
So maybe I am? I dunno.
Either way, I am delighted to get to share some snippets of the issue...
My behind the scenes is pretty buzz busy all the time. I know it seems like sometimes it's a hair quiet. But tricks and treats are always brewing. And if they aren't, then by golly, we'll brew up another potion to keep the fun going ;) (right now we have a heck of a busy behind the scenes, with mass projects to finish up)
The entire issue is pretty snazzle razzle dazzey!
I am entranced reading articles, and peeking into studios.
Isn't that so much fun?
So, if you would like a copy of your own, lots of grocery stores have it in their magazine section. Safeway has it for sure (if you have a Safeway grocery store), and you can order it from Stampington online, or check into most craft and book stores.
I am a thankful girl, who doesn't want to take one morsel for granted.
I hope you can sometimes hear me, whispering a thank you your way, for being my friend via the ether-net ;)
Want to hear a funny random tale before I go?
So, about 15 years ago, some boy gave me a bundle of orange lilies.
They dried up in a vase in my house (the city house), and so, I took them outside and plunked them in a pot, for lack of knowing what to do with them.
The next year, they grew and bloomed in that very pot, all from those dry stems.
I was floored!
My sister would tell me every spring or so, that the flowers would bloom in that same pot.
Fast forward 14 years later (last year), to a dry pot, with nothing in it but old dirt, that I went and picked up at the city house, and brought to the country. I put some new soil in it, on top of the old stuff (stirred it around), popped in some seeds and began watering regularly.
I had forgotten about those lilies.
I mean, why would I think that in dry old soil, 15 year old lilies would turn up again?
But they did!
And bloomed yesterday...
In a curiously magnificent shade of red.
I am speechless.
Who knew such a thing could happen?
Like I really needed something to further fuel my garden obsession?
In the last two weeks I planted a bunch more, two trees, 6 shrubs, and a partridge in a pear tree!
Sunday, my granny and I dug up things in her garden for me to bring home. 3 tiny trees, violets and more.
I look at it as adding to the future of my garden.
And, helping the earth in my own little way.
Am I delusional?
Do you see a hedgehog cloud?
I better be off, I can tell I am in a veering mood, and I might end up with some long wacky blog post ;)
Love, V
ps: You can peek at more photos of the studio, and more of my living spaces, here...