Such beautiful days. Running through the rain, planting more seeds, having picnics in the garden, pink sunsets, savoring the moment...
I looked up dates for summer's beginning and end.
Summer began on June 21st (here it has been warm since the end of March, with a cool snap in April, and then hotness ever since).
Summer doesn't end until September 23rd.
This means that we are just about, right smack, in the middle of summer.
(not really, but almost)
That means, summer fun treats continue.
Isn't that grand?
Something I like to do is taste edible flowers.
So, this weekend, I tried an experiment...
I collected flowers and herbs directly from my garden...
Roses, carnations, mint, lavender, basil flowers and basil leaves...
If you want to know more about edible flowers, click here, not all flowers are edible. Just remember, experts warn that flowers from a florist are not edible. And, I am not responsible for any flowers or herbs you might eat.
I took my flowers and herbs, and placed them in an ice cube tray, filled them with water, and froze them.
Now, I must confess, there is a proper way to do this.
I just don't really follow rules.
(actually, I didn't know there were proper rules when I did this, I just jumped in and tried an idea, not even knowing it had been perfected already)
What you should do is, fill the tray halfway with cooled boiled water and your flowers, and freeze. Once your half ice cubes are frozen, fill the rest of the way with your cooled boiled water and freeze again.
Then your flowers will be in the center of the cubes.
I don't much care about that though. So, I just tossed them in, filled with filtered water, and froze.
And voila!
Beautiful little specimens.
I have to tell you, I delivered Mister Lovee some cold water with flower herb ice cubes, and can I just say, he loved it. Thought it was the best thing ever.
I can't convey in the photos how pretty these really are. Especially floating in your glass, as the ice melts and the petals and herbs float around. Loveliness!
You can make ice flower bowls and all manner of things too. I am certain you have seen those before?
I looooooved the flavor of the icy water, herby and delicate...
So fresh.
A real summertime treat, I'd say...
Just so so pretty in person...
From our tiny house, to you!
Look at these pretty frozen flower treats...
I am inspired to try more, how about you?
Love, V
Important Note: Not to repeat myself but, if you want to know more about edible flowers, click here, not all flowers are edible. Just remember, experts warn that flowers from a florist are not edible. I am not responsible for any flowers or herbs you might eat, okiedokie. Consume flowers at your own risk. Also, if you are allergy prone, you should be very careful. Read more about edible flowers here.
ps: Let me be an over-bearing furrybabymama for a sec...
Soft, funny, playful, happy, nutty, adorable soft soft soft fur love.
Beyond cuddle-able.
His brother Matty took off as soon as I brought out the camera.
Matty is always on high alert.
But sleepy Miles, the King, will sleep even if you jump on the bed next to him.
Although, if food is involved, why, he can hear someone eating a corn chip down the road.
He is getting huge...
But, he thinks he is still a baby.
Which he is.
However, he has no clue how huge he is, and jumps in between me and Lovee onto a loveseat.
When he was a tiny baby puppy, sometimes I couldn't find him, and eventually, we would realize that he had taken himself to his bed.
Oh. My. Heart.
It's mini Miles.
At then end of August, he will be 8 months old.
And, he is now, as big as my bed :)
Well, not really, but almost.
He is more playful than ever. If you wake him, he puts his paws over his eyes and goes, rrrr, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrr.
And then goes back to sleep.
He spends a huge amount of time on his back, looking at the world upside-down, and silly growling.
So, there is a little Miles update.
I often call him Mimer-Mimer (my-mer). I don't know why, ever since he was little, I would say, Hi there Mimer-Mimer.
Protector, who majorly attacks me with love in the morning.
My little soldier.
(He knows how to hug, if I ask for a hug. I ask for about 50 hugs a day)