Hello there!! Guess who? 'Tis I, your long lost friend. I have been trying to get here for the better part of 3 days. There is such delectable madness and mayhem going on, I can't even begin to describe it. Gypsy guests, rains, scarecrows, straw, pumpkins, party planning, more guests, more rain, shipping out treats, unexpected days of loveliness!! This list of goings on just overflows and puddles over. I have sooooo much to share, oh so much!
Alas, I am just popping in to say hello, and.....
Tell you that, I am having more surprise visitors today and working on halloween orders whilst awaiting their arrival. And so, all the tid-bits I have gathered to share, and all the morsels of inspiring halloween party goodness will be here so so so soon. I will try to come back right away. So many details to share, oh so many!
But, I wanted to say helooooo!
And let you know, there is wonderfulness (party planning) brewing!! I hope you are as excited as I am? All the details will come in the next post that I am working on. I just wanted to pop in real quick, so you wouldn't think I ran away with the circus ;)
Witches and warlocks and fortune tellers, and full moons and and and, magic broomsticks have all arrived!!
I must run, back soooooo soooooon!
ps: gypsy sachet winner in the next post ♥
pss: The little witch in the photos was made for me a couple of years ago, by my beautiful & talented friend, Laura.