Hi there! Just peeking in real quick, as time is of the essence on a project that my brother is working on, which I want to share with you. Alas, I have been majorly under the weather, and working on getting back to 100%, stinky bugs that creep up on you. I hope to be back to myself soon.
Over the years I have shared some of the music my brother has made to go with some of my paintings, for example...
If you'd like, you can hear more here...
Anyhow the point is, my brother, whose name is Adam Valencia, is working on a new short film that I want to tell you about.
But first, I wanted to share a bit of his own personal work. So, I begged him to load his short reel onto YouTube so I could share it here. It is a menagerie, little snippets if you will, of some of his work...
He has also worked on all sorts of projects for other folks. I am not sure what I am or am not supposed to share in that realm though.
He is always up to something interesting. Traveling all over the world, making films.
(Adam on the far left)
I love seeing him work on films for himself. It is great to make films for other people, but you also have to do your own thing. It is all part of the path to reaching dreams, and learning and growing. Adam is in his early twenties, which is such an exciting time.
I love watching what he is up to.
I am about 12 years older than him.
I used to crawl into his bed with him when he was a baby, and hug him and kiss his baby face. I would carry him around, and smother him with love...
That is, until he started warding me off with a plastic baseball bat.
But now, he is a mad movie making scientist, all growed up, and doing deliciously exciting things!
But, there I go veering again.
The point -
Adam is hoping to making a short film.
He is using kickstarter to raise funds for his film.
A bit of a scary popcorn flick.
Fun fun!
I love scary movies.
I think making all sorts of movies, especially early in your career, is so important. There is so much learning and growing that happens with each project.
Good Luck Adam!!
Hope to be back here just as soon as I feel better.
Love, V
ps: I am supposed to have destroyed my fave photo from several years ago, of me and Adam. It is an actual paper photo taken with a disposable camera, hence the graininess. He was making a funny face, not on purpose, tee hee! I love the photo, but I understand not posting photos that others don't want you to post. So, it is me and my brother, as a raccoon ;)
(I am standing on a little curb, since my brother is much taller than me)