This is live, up to the moment photos of what is happening outside, as I type...
I have wished for this sort of dark intense rain for sooooo long.
And now, it is here.
I am soaked because of course, I had to run out there in it.
I wanted to take a video like that one time a few years ago, but there was too much lightning hitting way too close for comfort.
I am not usually afraid of it but, this was one street over, so I took the hint and watched it from all the porches. Running back and forth...
Rain is such a big deal here.
Especially monsoon rain like today.
Where seemingly, more rain falls in a 1 hour period, than has fallen for the last 6 months.
You can practically see the earth smiling, and quenching its intense deep thirst.
The rain was stronger than I have seen in a long time.
A river going through my back porch.
The boys cuddled up, watching through the windows.
Liquid diamonds forming on leaves...
At 2:30 p.m. it looks like it is evening, and I am in love.
I won't lie.
I probably could not be in a rainy place forever.
But a few bits of rain, in a thirsty sun drenched land, is better than wonderful.
We collect lots of rain water for watering.
In big barrels and buckets and containers.
Even though I have a big garden, we are water conscious, and careful with what we use.
I only water a certain amount very early in the morning in the gardens. And the surrounding trees and shrubs get a drip irrigation watering every Saturday.
Then, the collected water waters garden plants for a little while after the rains.
This means, I have tomorrow garden duties off.
I love the garden, but a day off is music to my ears.
I ran out to the cottage, drenched.
Swept the front porch, which was pointless because if you have ever experienced a glorious monsoon rain, you will know it whips in all directions.
It's torrential in the best way.
Gulp gulp gulp....
I can not begin to describe how much the earth needed this.
It has been so odd the last two days.
It was cloudy and very hot.
Hotter than ever if you ask me.
As you know, the clouds hold in the heat, and yet no rain.
Night before last it felt so eerie out.
It was pitch dark because of the clouds, and ever so hot and humid.
It was like being in a dark humid cave.
Not one breeze.
The skies were getting ready, and I am so thankful.
I have delivered lots of basil to friends in my dandy ole paint buckets.
Perfect for cuttings and such, I keep them around just for that.
And all of us feel like this after this crazy rain.
Even though it came in under doors and through the A/C.
No matter.
Happy hearts.
One brother under the covers, and one keeping watch.
As is his self imposed job.
Lovee on the porch, me typing feverishly about my rain joys.
And now, it's time for baking.
Next week, I will share my pizza recipe.
Some fun giveaways on the way too.
After making my pizza dough so many times as of late, I think it's pretty darn ready for sharing.
It will knock your socks off.
I promise.
I hope.
If you see a big round pizza baking sheet, get it.
(Target and Wal-Mart have them for sure)
I have tried all sorts of things to cook pizza on, and this is the best in my opinion.
Fresh tomato, basil, mozzarella, garlic, sweet onion.
This coming from a former pizza hater.
Now, I love it.
Homemade changes so many things, doesn't it?
Off I go....
The puddles are calling my name!!
Forgive the weather obsession :)
Looove, V