Pretty things from nature.
They really hit the spot, don't they?
Today I walked into a flutter of butterflies as I stepped out the office door.
I decided to go out and pick lots and lots of zinnias.
Zinnias love to be pruned.
The more you prune, the more they gift.
I threw a couple purple dahlias and some red and lilac roses in too.
But mostly, zinnias.
The butterflies chased me around.
When I was a little girl my grandma's garden was so full of butterflies, you could hardly believe your eyes.
It felt like millions, all around, surrounding you in droves.
My cousins and I would capture them, and fill big jars with them.
Isn't that horrible?
Then my Aunt Denise would find out what we had done and cry, and make us release the butterflies.
I was only 5.
I didn't really understand why she was upset.
Now I do, of course.
Capturing butterflies.
How naughty.
I think about that every time I see a butterfly.
And I secretly tell them, don't worry.
I am not into that anymore.
Haven't been for 31 years.
Zinnias are such wonderful flowers.
They are so forgiving, and last for a couple weeks after they bloom, looking mighty nice.
Then you prune, and up come more and more and more.
Then they gift you seeds attached to the ends of their petals.
Really, what more could a person ask for?
Such a kind flower.
They also self seed, and pop up during monsoon season in the most curious places.
They seem to like the earth when it is extra extra hot.
Then they last until the first frost.
Lovely things.
Those zinnias.
Matty and I enjoyed them, he followed me around, as I was snipping.
Then, we sat in the gypsy wagon.
And he kissed my knee and my shoulder and my cheek.
What a guy.
I am so happy to be able to venture back into the gypsy wagon.
Since it isn't sooo hot anymore.
Pretending I am delivering flowers to and fro.
Isn't pretending awesome?
Remember when you were a kid, and you could pretend yourself to all sorts of places?
You'd stand with your friends and all plot where you were.
Who each character was.
A castle, a moat, a dragon.
And then, there you all were.
Running from the firey breathe of the dragon.
In long sparkly gowns.
All in your imagination.
Trees became castles.
Rocks became safe spots to get away from the wart mongers
in the surrounding swamp.
Magic was everywhere.
Man oh man, what an awesome gift that was.
Memories are the bestest.
Making them and reliving them.
Miles turns up with the mail.
He won't give you the paper or the mail until you hand over a treat.
He's so smart that boy.
Hello Martha Stewart!!!
(he ran all over the place with the mag in his mouth)
Yesterday he went to Petsmart for the first time after the vet.
Or was it Petco?
He loves toys.
He has a huge bag of toys, and drags it around.
He sits in the living room and plays with toys every evening.
Sometimes Matty will play tug of war with him.
They especially love if Mister Lovee plays toys with them.
Miles picked 3 toys for himself at the store.
He literally sniffed them all, and picked 3 from the $2.49 area.
As we were paying, a man came up to us, knelt down.
(a tall strong man, in his late 50's)
Tears on his face.
And hugged and loved on Miles.
Then he stood up, put his hand to his heart, bent his head and said to me.
Thank you...
Oh my heart.
What a moment.
I figured he must have lost a pup that looked like Miles or something.
It was really so touching.
I know how he felt.
I love that Miles was so kind to him.
Well, I best be off to care for my boys, grill some chicken.
Pull together some sides, and voila.
Have you ever burned your eyebrows or eyelashes off turning on the gas grill?
Once, a lady I knew in real estate was curling her eyelashes while driving, and someone hit her, and she pulled out all of her eyelashes.
They never grew back.
On one eye.
I always think of that when I am tempted to do the same.
The pain?
Wholey Mackerel!
Okay, babbling brook.
Off I go.
Thank you for yesterday.
You are loves.
I hope you know you can e-mail anytime.
If you should need a shoulder yourself.
Here's to smooth sailing, and the wisdom to know what to do if the wind changes.