It's time for the tricky autumn-summer dance here in the desert.
Summer veggies and flowers are still abundant in the garden.
Yet, the calendar says mid-October.
And so, you plunge into autumnifying your world...
For fear of losing a mere morsel of this glorious time of year.
Homegrown pumpkins & orange lights do the trick on one of our porches.
I can see the cottage in the close distance from this porch.
It is a short 33 steps away.
I collected a few apricot tree twigs to hang on the door.
Mixed in with some sparkly orange thingamabobs.
Miles agreed to a photo op.
I said, Miles, would you sit here so I could take your picture?
And he did, calm and casual.
Sauntered over, and let me take his pic.
Sat right where I pointed.
Whilst his big little brother Matty, ran away.
But after the pics, Matty came over for a jumping hug and kisses.
The pups like the pumpkins.
They enjoyed the pumpkin patch all summer, sniffing around a whole lot.
A couple of mice moved into the patch too, so that might have been the reason :)
Fancy camera will be gone for 3 weeks, if it can be fixed.
So, I am still here trying to take clear manual photos.
Tricky tricky!
(we are so spoiled by autofocus, haha!)
I am a huge ivy and fern fan.
I buy these little 4 inch, grocery store pots of ivy.
Then I break the ivy up into 3-4 pots at home.
Water, shade.
Upside down tomato cage, tie the stakes up top -
Makes a perfect cone trellis.
And before you know it, you have a pot full of ivy.
I took out my huge bins of Halloween decor.
But for this porch, I decided to just stay pumpkin simple.
What is wrong with me, I don't know :)
As the day light starts to fade, the candles and orange lights really begin to share some autumnal Halloween goodness.
Ah, there is the picture boy :)
He's so soft.
The sun is setting, and the glowing slowly begins...
And then, as it gets dark, you remember what a simple strand of orange lights can add.
Love those orange lights.
I get two little boxes at the drugstore every autumn.
And boy, what a difference they make.
I am finally feeling the Halloween magic peeking in a little.
It's so hard to plunge when it's so warm.
(I am loving the milder warm too, it's so nice to sit in and enjoy)
But like I said, evenings/mornings are getting really chilly.
And that changes the game.
Makes it more real.
This month passes like a snap for me, you?
I am watching scary movies and haunted tales.
Spooking myself for the tiny jaunt from the house out to the cottage, and back, at night.
Luckily, last night, Lovee went and got me.
(I was in there vegging and watching scariness on Netflix)
The orange lights on the house guided me back.
I ran in and locked the door.
Spooking myself to bits ;)
I am sooooo good at that, you?
And yet, I have some sick love for it.
Must have been all the scary movies my dad let us watch as kids.
Love, Vanessa
ps: I found out over the last couple of months (up to days ago), that I have not been receiving e-mails every so often.
Not all the time, just a couple here and there.
I am not sure why? I have contacted my e-mail provider. Alas, if you have e-mailed me over the last 3 months and heard crickets, I probably did not get your e-mail. I know, not good. I am sorry, it was out of my control.
I deleted a ton of old mail, so hopefully that freed up lots of space, and will ensure that I no longer lose e-mails.
This does not affect orders from my shop, as I access orders to my shop through my shop, and not through e-mail.