Welcome Welcome!
To our 5th annual Halloween party!!
This is such an exciting time of year.
Autumn is in the air, and for those of us who love Halloween...
It doesn't get any better than the magical feeling it brings.
We are having a garden Halloween party at the cottage, do come in!
Scarecrows, pumpkins and orange lights galore...
Ribbons and treats, and oh, so much more!
This party is for you, jump in 1 2 3...
If you really believe, you could actually dream yourself here, yes indeed!
Oh, I see you now!
Welcome welcome, to our tiny town.
Boys arrive in furry costumes...
So realistic, they almost had me fooled!
There are oodles of treats.
Enough for seconds and thirds for sure!
Don't miss the warty caramel apples on apricot tree branches.
Pumpkins of all shapes and sizes are great guests.
As the spooky Queen Cake hand shows up to taste test!
Not to mention, bugs in frosting are just the thing...
To make your worldly palate sing!
Green witch cake gruel!
(just put food coloring in your cake batter - I used lots of green and a little blue)
And a vampire clown or two, too.
Spells and potions as you wish...
And the orange flame candle, lit for a year of bliss!
Or six.
Locked up nice and safe, are...
The witch fingers themselves.
Folks travel near and far, for a taste so sweet, it's hard to beat...
Unexplainable power bestowed when nibbled, they say.
So take a bite, eat it whole, go ahead, pave the way!
(I made these fingers, and dusted them -using a paintbrush- with powdered cocoa before putting them in the oven. Recipe links and tips at my other blog, here)
Don't be shy, I say.
Now plunge for sure, okay?
Sparkle and magic and imaginations running wild!
Fantastical treats and moments in time we await, year after year...
After year.
Now here!
The end of October, a time of year so vastly dear.
Our childhood comes by for a visit.
And in some miraculous way, we feel free to unleash our true selves.
Although, Witchy says we should always carry it with us.
No matter the age.
No matter the time.
No matter what anyone says.
The magic is always within us...
Waiting to take a skipping stroll, a twist a tumble.
Let hair loose, and off we go!!
Dancing in circles under candle and moon light...
Cheers, cheers, cheeeers to the ghoulish world!!
Mayhem and merriment, clink to that, yes sireeee!
As night embraces us, and stars twinkle way up in the sky...
Anything is possible.
You don't even have to try.
It's there for the taking, a hearty dose of what you need.
Dreams, wishes, miracles, magic indeed!!!
Thank you sooo much for being a part of our 5th annual Halloween blog party!
It's been a pleasure and a delight to have you over.
Please stay a little bit longer, won't you?
You are always welcome, at A Fanciful Twist.
Let's party like mad, like crazy, oh yes!!
Before I go wander around and visit other partiers, I want to share an awesome treat.
One of our lovely sponsors named Dawn Marie Howard has a grand gift to giveaway.
By the way, Dawn has a wonderful blog you can visit here.
And a shop filled with all sorts of fun things called...
In fact, Dawn is gifting a $50.00 gift certificate to her shop.
All comments left in this post will be entered to win.
Winner will be announced in the next blog post in few days.
Thank you Dawn, what fun!!!
Now go out and party party party.
Please double check to make sure your name is on the partier list, if you want it to be.
The party lasts a couple of day at least, and all partiers are listed in my left hand sidebar.
Have a blast!!
Love, Vanessa
If you'd like to visit past parties here ya go -
ps: If you are hosting your own blog party for this event, please leave a comment
with a direct link to your blog post. It will serve as an archive.
pss: Also - Halloween partiers hosting your own party, if possible, please remove your word verification for comments during the party.
It is difficult to make so many visits and be faced with tough word codes, thanks so much!!
It just makes visits that much easier and extra pleasant ;)