Photos, text and artwork are property of Vanessa Valencia. All rights reserved. If you would like to use any of my blog content/photos, please make sure you give me proper credit and link back to me. Content of this site may not be reproduced in any other manner without written permission. Simply contact me via e-mail. Thank you.
Getting back into the groove after the holidays is always weird and foggy and intense, isn't it?
Or is it just me?
All this busy busy, long days, late nights of making and baking.
And for me, packaging and making art and jewelry too.
Shipping, post office visits.
More baking.
Staying up 4-5 hours past my regular bedtime.
And then, busy Sunday, busy Monday and Tuesday creeps up.
I decided on Sunday that we needed a great big green salad.
There is an abundance of arugula in the veggie garden.
And tomatoes that were green are turning red.
As, we have had tank top days, still.
Cool nights, but very warm in the sun days, that make happy tomatoes.
I also needed to decompress.
I had been going non stop for 2 weeks or more.
So, I went foraging in my own yard.
A break, a breather, a slow walk.
On the hunt for little nature treasures.
I collected pine cones.
I planted a pine tree here about 10 years ago.
And it is massive now.
Like 12, 14 feet? Maybe more?
In fact, it was the first Christmas tree Lovee and I shared.
It's finally gifting lots of pine cones.
It was tiny when I planted it.
About a foot tall.
Then, I went around our little path,
through the shrubs and trees, and collected some quince.
A few decorative berries.
Some pretty peach leaves.
I stood by the nasturtium patch and nibbled those wasabi like leaves that I love.
Nabbed some for dinner.
Then I went and inspected the Live Oak tree I planted 3 years ago.
I started screaming with glee.
Practically hyperventilating.
Mister Lovee was like, what what what's wrong????
He was over there, messing with the peach tree or something...
And I just kept jumping around sing-screaming,
I can't believe it, I can't believe it!!!
(Don't forget, I am very easy to please)
Mister Lovee ran over, looked up and said,
Well, I'll be Darned...
I live in the desert.
Not the woods.
Not the forest.
Hello acorns!
(Although, I can see a forest in the mountains from my house. I live at the base of said mountains, and believe it or not, folks even ski up in Mount Lemmon)
So you see, acorns on a tree I planted myself?
Makes me extra heart happy!!!
With a little help from Mister Lovee...
My little acorn collection is growing.
I got about 2 handfuls.
We'll use our tall ladder to get the rest.
I finished up my little garden gathering with a big bowl filled with zinnia, cosmos and marigold seeds.
(I saved some for you Alia!! ;)
As the sun went down, I went in the house and made some Shepherd's pie with our Thanksgiving leftovers. It's soooo yumm.
And then, I made some quince jam, with the quince from our volunteer tree.
It was beyond awesome, nice and hot, on buttered toasted french bread.
And just like that, time marches on.
I am in a bit of time shock that Halloween and Thanksgiving are behind us.
Mainly because it is so warm here still.
It is still summer in a way.
Which is nice, but hard for holiday reality.
Although, I would rather be in the warm sun than freezing under blankets somewhere.
Unless I was warm under the blankets.
And that would be okay too.
But shivering cold is the pits.
Okay wait, I'll stop there.
I see the weather babble could continue eternally.
Kim of Gerushia's New World (one of our beloved sponsors), is having a sale the 23rd-26th
And bonus...
She is also giving away a $50 gift certificate to her shop.
Right here, right now, just leave a comment to enter.
Can you believe it?
A giveaway, plus a sale, which you can apply to your gift certificate if you win.
Wooo hooo!
ps: Thanksgiving wrap-up...
Miles Birthday. Loved his big horse.
Awesome eats.
I cooked so much, and my friend brought some fresh/raw homemade cran-orange relish, homemade lemon meringue pie (with her own lemons) and salad.
There was...
Turkey that fell off the bone, brown sugar candied yams, mashed potatoes, stuffing chock full of delicious veggies, green bean casserole, oven baked croissants, fresh cranberry orange rind relish, herb vinaigrette salad, 5 pies (lemon meringue, traditional pumpkin, pumpkin cheesecake), dessert wine, and so much more I can't recall now.
What did you munch???
Are you so tired today?
Full full full bellies.
Refreshing pomegranate seeds after a long night of fun.
Thanksgiving madness (of the good variety) is in full force around here...
If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I am almost certain you are in the throws of the same madness.
I have been baking like crazy.
Doing all my vegetable chopping for tomorrow.
Roasting homegrown Fairytale pumpkins.
Pureeing them.
Draining them.
(love this sort of pumpkin ritual)
Baking with them.
Getting all my ducks in order for tomorrow.
I am throwing a tiny bash.
With a handful of special friends.
I am so excited to see some of my dear friends.
My friend Joyce and I have been e-mailing each other like mad.
All excited to get together.
This is my 3rd year hosting my own Thanksgiving, and I really love it.
Having people you enjoy over at your home.
Good food, good friends, laughing, sharing tales.
So excited.
Plus, it forces you to clean your house.
Pre-holiday fun.
Warm house.
Oven working away.
Amazing scents.
Taking some last treats from the garden.
As autumn creeps in.
Still trying in the desert land, to find its way to us.
It will be 79'F tomorrow.
The yellowing ground is slowly creeping in to the vegetable garden out back.
It's been so warm.
We had 1 little freeze, but covered things.
Although some things did crisp up.
Others are hanging on, still.
Birds chirping.
Matty chasing them around.
A huge surge of tomatoes happened in early autumn, but as nights are chilly, I have decided to start using green tomatoes, just in case they don't ripen.
There were about 150 green tomatoes out there.
I boiled some with yellow chilies, and made a green tomato salsa.
(with onions, garlic, olive oil and a tinge of white vinegar + salt)
I drizzled it over baked tilapia, with some avocado.
Then, I used the green tomato salsa as a base for black/kidney bean soup.
I gifted some for fried green tomatoes, and we still have oodles plus.
It's an autumnal treat really.
Before the cold snap hit for one night last week, I brought in two wagons of gourd love.
Some are still hanging around out there, but they have climbed into the trees too high, and will have to fall out.
Beautiful sunsets.
Miles in autumn light.
His human dad is holding a treat.
Hence the intense face.
Pecans in our pecan trees.
Picking them with my Matty, handsome helper.
Little piles.
Delicious pecans.
Our last pomegranate of the season.
Wisteria on the front porch is turning, and looks so festive and pretty.
And then.
Just like that, over the last few days, the pecan trees turned golden.
As the peach tree follows...
So pretty.
Changing leaves.
Everyone who sings and plays an instrument will bring theirs tomorrow.
My sister is horrified that Lovee lets me use his microphone and one of his amps.
After years of folks asking me, what's up with the jewels?
Customers wondering if there was an on-line venue?
And regular calls from my mom (who is my best model), telling me people ask her every time she is wearing my jewelry creations, where they can get some of their own on the internet.
Where they then do any manner of wondrous things to create major hair love.
Such as cut, dye, or hand sew in different colors.
There are short cuts, long flowing, pixie, funky, fabulous, elegant.
Blonde, blue, red, lavender, pink, yellow, teal, two tone, brunette...
And more.
Hair dreams indeed.
Here is the exciting part...
Miss Violet Lace is one of our beloved sponsors.
(You can see our sponsors in the upper right hand sidebar)
She is gracing us with an awesome giveaway today!
Two giveaways actually.
A $60, and a $25, store credit.
Wooo hooo!
How fun is that?
It would be really lovely if you would pop over to Miss Violet Lace, take a peek, and share in comments here, what wig you'd be inclined to wear if you won.
It all happened after roasting and pureeing a huge fairytale pumpkin...
(Fairytale pumpkins are the bestest for eating. You will be amazed at the beautiful flesh and flavor.)
I never really get sick of pumpkin treats.
Do you?
I have not had very many this season yet, so I am still in -
Lucky it's pumpkin eating season happiness.
As you may know, when you puree a pumpkin you have to strain out the water before using the puree for baking.
After you oven roast and puree your pumpkin, you can scoop the puree into a cheesecloth bit by bit (I use a flour sack towel), and twist your puree bundle to let out the water.
Or, you can put your puree in a towel or cheesecloth, over a strainer, then over a bowl for a few hours.
I do both.
This time around, I decided to collect some of the roasted and pureed pumpkin water.
I decided to collect it half way through, so some was lost.
But I put the rest in a pitcher.
I thought it might taste good, if I heated it, and added some flavor to it.
Although cider is more of mashed fruit, typically apples.
Not the water of the fruit.
So, who the heck knows, haha!
Anyhow, I decided to heat some up...
Then I put some sugar and spice in a bowl.
4 cups pumpkin water
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
a good pinch ginger
a good pinch ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon salt
You must do the salt, it enhances all the flavors.
Without it, the whole thing tastes like something is missing.
I popped the spices into the heating pumpkin water...
As it got hotter, I made sure to whisk things up really well.
Dissolve the spices and sugar thoroughly.
Once it comes to a boil, pour into a cup, and let cool a bit.
Then, sip away...
It tastes like pumpkin pie in a way.
First sip, your brain tries to understand what you are sipping.
Then it goes, oh ya, pumpkin.
I tested a few things too.
If you want to be extra rotten, you can put a tiny little tinge of real butter in the pot.
I know this is borderline ridiculous.
But, I wanted to see if it did anything.
Like, added more of a decadent dessert body.
It was yumm, but just as good without it, if not better.
I also tried a little chocolate, like, hot pumpkin chocolate.
It was okay.
But much better in the original fashion.
Although, I am not a huge lover of chocolate or the flavor, so, it's hard for me to judge.
I really can't tell you how lovely just the hot spiced pumpkin water was.
What should it be called?
Does anyone know?
Maybe it already has a proper name, and I am the only one that doesn't know.
I thought about all the things you can do with this sugar and spice pumpkin water.
Ice cubes?
Use it instead of plain water in oatmeal?
Use it instead of plain water with a proper package of ready made hot chocolate.
Truly, you could try it instead of water in lots of baking projects, me thinks.
As for me.
I think I am still celebrating Halloween.
Piano + Jacko
Yes yes, in fact.
I am.
I have decided that from this day forward, I will celebrate Halloween until Nov. 5th.
Maybe up until the 7th or 8th actually.
Because, the abrupt shift from October 31st to November1st is much too traumatic for this Halloween loving heart.
I mean, for the love of squash, it's still tanning weather here.
I need a few more days after Pumpkin Holiday Halloween to hope for cool.
89' F today.
It's chilly late night.
But day, warmest warms.
So, how I ask, can I be shuffled past the spookiest day so quickly?
I need a buffer.
Or else, haha!
If I had a therapist, I am sure he/she would agree with me.
Don't you?
Love, V
ps: When I make pumpkin soup, I don't extract the water from the puree, and just use the puree plus some chicken stock. But if you are a vegetarian, you don't need the chicken stock. You could use veggie stock. Or just straight pumpkin if you'd like. I do that too.
Hello, my name is Vanessa Valencia and I am an artist living in a lovely part of Arizona. I make all kinds of art, from painting to clay sculpting. I love tending my gardens and cuddling my dogs. This blog is about art, lifestyle, gardening, cooking, crafting & every single little magical thing in between ♥