Everyone here is traumatized.
October is over, and it is now November.
October is over?

So, it's been sort of hard to have to come back to reality.
You know.
Pumpkins turn back into frog princes...
Mushrooms sprout in the bell jar.
The norm ;)

Oh Ribbit, don't make that face.
You can be a lil' punkin again next year.

We're sipping tea for our nerves...

What nerves?
I dunno.
Why nerves?
I dunno.
You know, that Christmas is everywhere really really fast maybe.
We love love love Christmas.
Love it to pieces galore.
More than galore.
But for some reason, the rush of it on November 1st makes us all...
Stomach butterfly-ee and nervous.
No rhyme or reason.
Maybe the reality of time passing like, more than a snap.
Like, crazy fast.
Do you feel like that?
I know Mombie has her tree up already.
Not decorated, but up and getting ready to be decorated.
I for one, stayed up way too late last night, so for me...
It's still zombieville.
I just want to stare at the dreamkeeper in the mirror across the room.
From my squishy happy bed.
Even though she is right next to me.

I always stare, daring her to move her head, or say something.
Daring her to wink at me.
Of course, she only hums softly at night.
What I really want to do, is cuddle under the great wall of blanket.
And I will, just as soon as I leave here, me thinks :)

As you may know.
I have been crocheting this blanket for 7 years...

It is sooooo big, and soooooooooo heavy.
It could fit a triple king size bed by now.

But guess what?
This is my first time ever using it.
Ever, in 7 years.
It is getting quite chilly in the late/early night/morning.
And so, I decided to tie it off, and use it.
I found some comfort in having an ongoing project as such.
But instead of adding to it for 7 more years, I think I'll just start a new one.
I am loving using it.
Like, heart exploding with joy, loving.
It is a tinge wonky shaped.
Like a giant rectangle gone mad, due to all the different winging it weaves.
You can't really tell when it is on the bed.
But the one thing is that...
I have parts of it that I love for different reasons.
Like my cookie monster meets big bird section.
I love that space.

There is such giddy pleasure in making yourself something usable, isn't there?
My heart skips a beat when I pull my blanket up to my chin.
And it makes me all warm.
And I open my eyes to it on bright brisk mornings.
I would be so proud of myself if I could make a quilt.
But I can't.
Can I?
I am not sure I can sit still long enough to cut 10 million squares out, and sew them together.
If you have ever made a quilt, I think you are a rock star.
I want to make one.
I have to get in a quilt zen brain mood I think, if I even want to consider such a thing.
For now...
I think I will give myself the rest of the evening off.
I stayed up until 1 a.m. roasting and pureeing a HUGE fairytale pumpkin.
(+ straining the liquid out)
Then I got up to make pumpkin breads at 6 a.m. for a friend.
But I missed her, and didn't get to gift them. Sadness.
Mister Lovee is happy to munch though.
So that is grand ;)
Only I am zombified now.
By the by, we had such a wonderful Halloween feast, followed by a scary movie...
And glowing drinks...
That I forgot to take hardly any photos.
For shame.

We enjoyed our tonic water and lemon lime Hansen's sodas a ton.
I made caramel corn.
We had grilled salmon, buttered rustic potatoes, caramelized carrots.
Then we watched Los Ojos de Julia.
No trick or treaters in sight.
Not that Matty would have been having any of that.
Ghosts and goblins screeching trick or treat would have put him right over the edge.
Right into full blown werewolf.
For sure.
Off I go to see how the wartlings are doing ;)

Love, Vanessa