So, I was on a ladder, up to ribbon and fabric scrap shenanigans...
(which I thought I would have shared by now)
Whilst my brain rumbled about thinking about everything under the sun.
My brain, sometimes it drives me insane.
It thinks and twists and turns and twirls and repeats over and over again.
What about yours?
Yours too?
So, I finally stopped for a lunch break.
When I thought about that quote...
(artprint by Matthew Taylor Wilson)
I have been a pretty optimistic person most of my life.
Making the best out of nearly everything.
By default, not because I try.
Just because it came naturally.
Even when times get tough, my brain pops into happy mode.
(after a proper freak out session of course)
As I get older and more of life happens, I find there are more things to worry about.
As if a worry wart needs anything to worry about.
And, I don't want to worry, so I talk to myself about good things.
Happy things.
Because if you can't be your own mind's cheerleader, then whose can you be?
(I can be a total meanie to myself by the by, so often I am a referee)
It's amazing, as humans, how often we drown in negative things.
Without trying to make the best of things.
We all drown a little every so often, don't we?
It's natural.
But to what extent and how we pull ourselves out is key, me thinks.
When I came to the country house 14 years ago, I had this shift in my thinking.
Instead of wanting more and more, I learned to be happy with what I had.
To appreciate the littlest things.
Rambling roses and birds galore.
(okay okay, I still buy lots of junk at estate sales, but you know what I mean)
Sometimes, just by nature of being human...
I think we forget that.
Appreciating the good in our lives, instead of only seeing the bad.
The war between pessimism and optimism weighs in.
Isn't it so much easier to just take a big breath and be happy for what you do have?
And who you grew up to be so far?
Than to wish you had something else.
And were someone you are not, and will never be?
These things I think on a ladder in early spring.
When I see how life can be tricky, if we don't hang on to optimism at all costs.
How negativity and pessimism can lead to anxiety and utter distress.
Along with fear and worry.
Last year I started doing calming breathing techniques.
(you know, with all the life hoopla)
Learning to just plunge off a cliff when life gets hard, into a bit of faith and optimism.
Because, really, sometimes you have no choice.
Drown and freak out...
Or put on a suit of bravery and jump, while screaming out "nimodo."
(which means "oh well" in espanol)
And above all...
It's important to be reminded that...
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything.
They just make the best of everything.
Wow, what champs.
I want to be that person, I do I do.
It's about seeing a cup half full and not half empty isn't it?
Life never turns out how we plan.
And maybe, that's a good thing?
I say no no nooooo way to negativity.
And if it creeps in, I punch and kick, and take it down as best as I can.
Even though sometimes it's hard.
And I fail.
I don't give up.
What about you?
Are you in on it with me?
This quest for optimism?
For seeing all the good that stands before us in our lives?
And being grateful for it?
Rather than being negative and pessimistic?
Optimism and deep breaths.
And making the best of everything.
Life is hard and scary things do happen.
Sometimes we just need to give ourselves a big hug.
And promise to be positive of heart and mind, as best as we can.
This is the thing we need, don't we?
Random thoughts for the day.
Back with some crafty stuff soon, as I get back to my ladder and thoughts ;)
Loooove, V