I can hardly type because...
I am on my way to go treasure hunting with my little brother.
And I am too excited.
It's amazing how when I look around almost everything I own is vintage or antique.
Old things all around me.
I love old things.
Tattered things.
Worn things.
Fraying, peeling, chipping things.
Things with stories and history.
Which is odd since I was raised in a house of newness and didn't even know the first thing about thrift stores until I was 17.
It was like, discovering pirate treasure.
That's when the collecting started.
Even my old piano, is well, old.
My piano tuner looks at it and wonders why I don't have a brand new Yamaha or something.
But I can't.
It's the tales within the tales, within the tunes of the keys...
That help me compose little this and that's of the heart.
In fact, Mister and I worked on some of my lil' creations this weekend.
Since he plays upright bass in his band, I wanted him to come up with a fun lil' bass line for me.
(he can play all instruments, wish I could)
He played around, I pumped the pedal.
We played together.
We do duets from time to time.
Even at a few parties.
Hire us.
Just kidding.
No really, just kidding.
I mean, just kidding about the hire us part.
I would be mortified to have to play.
I practically passed out from nerves doing piano recitals as a kid.
But if you did have a piano, and we were there, you might get a wacky dueted Heart and Soul out of us.
I jot down lyrics here and there.
I am not a fab singer but I LOVE to sing.
And I do make wishes for a good singing voice on falling stars all the time.
But I will say this, I can give you a stellar Disney Snow White any day ;-)
(My sister warned me that my skin was getting quite toasty from being outside so much, but I didn't notice until I took these pics)
I love treasure hunting, you?
It inspires my art and my piano.
All of it.
I tack it up everywhere.
Vintage bits that is.
Here and there and everywhere.
I do have to lift this guy's spirits everyday.
Even my beloved old little sewing kit is pinned on the wall.
If it makes me feel like a forever youngster trapped inside of a fairy tale snow globe, then it comes home with me.
The phrase I hate the most...
Boy, you have sooooo much stuff.
Bah humbug.
I played a lot in jewels this weekend.
I am toying with the idea of making something with my piece of giant crystal quartz.
If I could ever bear to part with it.
I am inspired by crystals too.
I think they are so special.
And, sometimes...
If the mood is right.
And the prisms are shining just so.
We might be lucky enough to catch a sonic wave...
That turns up in a way that looks a bit like this.
And those are the amazing moments I love.
Sound waves morphing into tales.
Some light hearted, some tear jerkers.
All welcome.
Mister Lovee gets old instruments in the mail alllll the time.
Or comes home with them after visiting old music shops or thrift stores.
Accordions, horns, guitars guitars guitars.
Music is beyond words, isn't it?
If you think about it.
All these sounds.
Invented sounds, instruments made to capture sound.
And all those sounds create emotion and vibes and feelings.
It's unreal.
Now that is real magic.
Of the truest form.
Do you play anything?
In your deepest dreams, what instrument do you play?
Or better yet, what instrument are you?
Off I go for now, an antique store awaits me!!
Loooove, V