Welcome friends!!
Time to plunge into our yearly Mad Tea Party magic.
Twinkles dance about as tea pots are filled.
Sparkles on top hats, a sign of all that is good.
Beckoning you to skip through the garden arbor.
Into a fantasy world of the perfectly real and true variety.
Don't be shy, come on in.
Garden cherubs in top hats lead the way.
As our beloved friends greet us into the mad tea journey.
That's how you know you are in the right place.
I hope you put on your bestest paper frock for the event?
Here we goooooo...
It's time!
Don't be late!
Follow the glittering path.
Through the tea cup arbor...
Kiss your toadling pal, won'tcha?
He eats glitter, just to make sure he is extra magical every year ;-)
Oh there it is, the party itself, with goodies overflowing!
Come in, come in, let's twirl and dance our way through.
The ambiance is dreamy in the dusty desert lands today.
Under fluffy dark rain clouds we are greeted by fairy tales.
Thank goodness for Alice in Wonderland.
She brings us back to this place...
And by the way, how rude am I?
I must wish...
A very merry unbirthday, to you, and you, and you!
Find a spot, there's so much to nibble and so many tales to chat about.
Which plate will you choose?
Are you into cupcakes?
Because we have oodles just for you.
And fancy cups and saucers too!
I am so glad you are here, thank you ever so much for stopping in.
Why do pretty mad tea things make everything taste better?
They do I tell ya, they do!
It's time for lemon cookies and dunking in tea.
Please don't worry about your manners around here.
No way, no sirree!
If you aren't into tea we have fizzy orange drinks.
Or flower water?
Yumm yumm!
Carnations on cupcakes make me so happy.
Oh and look, the Earl showed up too!
Or do you prefer your tea leaves loose?
Whatever you choose, it's magically infused.
Trust me it's true!
The tree is canopying just perfectly, giving us a spot to read a little Lewis Carroll.
Oh excuse me.
Look who wants lil' treats as well?
I for one am in love with the cucumber and watercress sandwiches the mad hatter made.
He did indeed.
He was so busy in the kitchen today.
Oh look at the time!!
Are you mad yet?
I certainly hope so.
We all need a little madness every now and then.
Here, take some flowers for your hair or lapel.
Did someone fill the pot again??!
Oh my, oh me!
Okay, I'll take another.
I am madly jumping from seat to seat, yes I feel it, it's madness indeed.
Perhaps the mad tea party was so mad because everyone had way too much cake and caffeine?
Fill'er up, more and more!
Now the milk, miam miam meeee!
Oh and, look who finally managed to snag a treat.
Or two.
Fizzy lifting drinks indeeeeed!
Oh, forgive me, I never used a utensil, not a spoon, not a fork.
Who would ever do such a thing at a mad tea party anyways?
It's Lady Grey as well, I do say!
Red velvet roll anyone?
Be a dear and sneak up here and read me a page or two, won't you?
I'll unwrap...
Taffy for you as you go along.
Nothing better than having pages read by someone with taffy in their mouth.
It's utterly amusing!
Did you cut more flowers than we have space for?
Oh, don't fret, pop them in the tea pot over here.
Double Sluuuuuuuuurp!
Tender little petals aren't they?
Zinnias on cupcakes make me extra happy!
Ooooo, what a wonderful time!!
Twirls and twirls and twirls and twirls!
It's been such a marvelous afternoon, hasn't it?
As the hottest summer sun starts to fade away...
Dusk is upon us, with its blueish twilight.
The time where madness and magic unite.
Largest full moon peeks out from behind the rain clouds...
Asking us to stay up all night.
And why oh why would we ever want to say goodnight?
So we stay, and dance under moonlit bluest skies, through the arbor of lights.
A mad tea party all night is how we play.
As night begins to turn into another day!
Earliest dawn creeps in.
It's where we shall stay, and party like it's 1865 until our feet can no longer go on.
And only then shall we say......
Thank you for coming, and hopest of hopes to see you next year!
Oh my dearest fellow mad tea partiersssss!!
You are lovely and swell, it was great having this magical soiree with you again!
If anyone would like to visit other parties from years past, here ya go...
If you are hosting your own tea party today, please don't forget to leave your party link in comments.
It will serve as a lifelong archive, and an easy way for others to find you after the party has come and gone.
Also, please leave your party post up a few days, as it takes several days for people to make visits.
We are getting ready for a huge storm, so my power may be in and out this weekend.
But luckily, we were here today, hooooray!
I so look forward to visiting you all!
Loooooooooove, V
Let the partying continue!!
ps: If I visit your blog and you are a participant, but I see no mad tea post, I am sorry in advance but I will remove your name off the list. I understand life happens so don't fret, I won't be cross at all. If you happen to get a post up and want to be re-added email me k? Thanks for understanding.