Thanksgiving prep is in full swing.
I am sure those of you celebrating are making all sorts of wonderful things for the celebration.
I have spent a couple chilly evenings harvesting, as the night time temps dropped.
The bird baths froze solid.
And yet it will go back up to 80' tomorrow, go figure.
Either way I headed out in a heavy warm thingamabob and gloves.
So many babes to bring in.
Some to cook, some to save, some to marvel at.
And lots of dusting and organizing of pretty things.
Especially since the time to use them is when you will have guests.
That makes collecting treats all that much more fun.
Washing linens.
Dolling up the table.
Making sure you have enough sugar cubes for tea and after dinner sweets.
Stacking pink things.
I love pink, I really do.
All shades too.
So, I suppose it was appropriate to begin my harvest under pink skies.
Dare I confess...
I did find myself knot throated and weepy...
Cutting them babes off the vine.
After 8 months of knowing them.
From seeds to babies to big giant, huger than ever, fairy tale pumpkins...
It's always bitter sweet to cut them off the vine.
Not to mention that these are my 4 times fairy tale grandchildren, or is it 5?
Totally organic, they grew that huge on their own, no help from any chemicals.
I just make sure to use seeds from my healthiest and biggest ones each year.
They make their mama proud, such great seed and specimens.
I know I know, I am certified.
But spending every day with pumpkin' babes and watching them grow, well...
I don't know about other people, but it does something to me.
My little wagon could only handle so many...
So the next day I took out the big toughie garden wagon with me to aid.
I can't get over the sizes.
I am gobsmacked really.
I love them so.
I scatter them here and there.
Inside, outside, around the arbor.
Then I make my way in to dust and clean and prepare for Thanksgiving day.
Cabinets in check...
Plates chosen.
More pumpkins at the front garden entrance...
Cutting out some of my own place cards...
And then getting ready for tomorrow.
I cook the 2 kinds of potaties the afternoon before Thanksgiving.
(potaties was a potato typo, but I kind of like it :-)
Then I drain them and leave them on the stove top in their pots.
Tomorrow I just have to turn on the burners, add milk or chicken stock and butter, then mash.
It's a really snazzy time saving trick.
And nothing happens to the potatoes sitting on the stove overnight at all.
I do so look forward to Thanksgiving...
I enjoy hosting my own small dinner.
I take the day slow.
And savor each moment.
I don't fret or worry.
I have spent the last 3 years tailoring it to a nice good eat filled day of reflection.
And I love it so.
No stress.
I must add, it's made possible by Mister Lovee.
Who does all, every bit, of the shopping.
That takes out a huge step for me.
Although, I do enjoy a good chaotic travel infused holiday every now and then too.
What are your plans?
Stay safe and eat until you almost pop ♥
I hope you have the most wonderful wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
So much love from 3 boys and a girl.
Looove, V