There's a little tiny cottage hiding in my garden.
Where tea times and magic live.
Always welcoming us in.
There's mini pies made by me.
And portals into wonderland.
At least, that's what I believe.
On cold days it's extra cozy.
In ways I can not even convey.
All the curious bevy of characters live there.
Halloween, storybook, fairy tale.
Whoever they may be, they hide out in there all day.
Don't cry Humpty, you'll get some treats too.
When I go in there my heart swoons.
It smells like heaven for some reason, I don't know why.
There is a scent and a feeling that makes my heart skip a beat.
It is tiny but has tall ceilings that beckon you to sing.
I like to snuggle in a little corner with a sweet treat every afternoon.
I forget where I am, where this is.
Tucked away, hidden in a tiny cottage somewhere.
I put my mice on a fluffy tree I stole from Mombie years ago.
As my little guardian sits by the very old peeling paint door.
Watching and waiting, ready to save me from danger :-)
I bought that door many moons ago from a woman who salvaged it from a big old farmhouse being torn down in Texas.
I've painted it twice, needs some more.
Over the years I've stuffed the place with things I love and cherish.
If it makes me happy, it can live here.
It's so pretty during the holidays, when I hang extra sparkly things.
Mirrors everywhere for light and magic I say.
Mirrors are my favorite accessories, they add such depth and brightness.
And of course, we always need fairy lights.
Always always.
I'm just getting ready for today's tea and treats.
Pop on in.
Put on your fairy wings and transport.
Here we go.
Grab a tiny book and a little quilt.
It's cozy as can be.
A place for a grown girl to dream.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Just a little place to hide and play.
No better time to enjoy your childhood than now and today.
I enjoy it more now than I did then.
That's the real gift isn't it?
My tiny pie is waiting for me.
Hope you're doing lovely.
I'll be back really soon!
Promise promise.
Love, Vanessa
ps: There are ever so many fun holidays cards in the shop.
New ones too, never before seen!
Pop on in if you fancy a peek xoxo