Oh, the wonderful days of soil and sun are here.
I've been ever so busy my friends.
I need a really long nap, and I think I'll take one soon.
Although I have a hard time napping, you?
I have one too many pics to share to today.
But, if you grab something good to sip, it might not be too long and crazy.
There's endless garden magic happening.
Is there really any other word better than magic that can properly explain spring?
The fresh leaves, the golden sun, the good-bye to winter.
The memory of what the garden looks like when it is full and lush.
Grape leaves ready for dolmades.
And snap dragons.
Oh snap dragons.
Can we just talk about them for a second?
I never really longed for them, I never even planted them.
I never was ever inspired to smell them.
I never really gave them a second thought.
I don't know why?
And then I planted a bunch this winter.
Dinky little things.
I had no idea they could be perennials, could withstand winter and would grow so huge and fill my garden with so much joy.
I mean, I see them in Disneyland and outside hotels.
I just never thought about them for myself.
I was wandering around the other day asking myself what that beautiful scent was.
As I said, I have never felt compelled to smell a snap dragon.
I'm not sure why I never considered them as I find them awfully beautiful.
Anywho, I was wondering what the scent in the garden was.
I could smell orange blossoms, jasmine and roses but what was the other element?
Then I sniffed the snapdragons.
I went from color to color in awe.
The scent was filled with memories.
Almost like my mom's faint perfume.
Or the faint scent of confections.
Like faint cotton candy.
So mild and so beautiful.
Who knew?
Did you know?
And here I was giving all the credit to these beauties.
I tell you, the garden teaches me something new all the time.
The lady banks roses are in full bloom.
Going crazy over arbors and little buildings in my garden.
I just love poking around.
Seeing all that goes on.
Buildings being utterly devoured by roses.
I wished for this years ago and almost have to rub my eyes everyday in disbelief.
Oh lovely climbing roses.
I just hope they don't cave in my buildings and arbors, haha!
They're even hopping onto my office stoop.
Fun fun fun!
I just roam around in dream goggles.
So utterly thankful to mother nature.
Can't thank her enough.
How can it be that such wonderful things can exist?
Bright sun filled garden today.
I tried to get Matty to pose for a photo, you know how much he hates them.
And of course, in runs the ham.
Smile and all.
My sweeties.
They were bickering with a hawk that kept taunting them.
Squawking at them like mad.
Huge wonderful creature.
I had to sprint for my camera and took blurry pics just as he...
Got ready to...
Take flight!
Isn't that so neato?
I love those hawks.
Watching them fly around and swoop down.
I had to run out of town to my parents the other day and they would do the same to me at their house.
My mom was amazed.
She said the hawks never come that close to her.
Maybe they thought I was a chipmunk or something?
My blog post would have ended there for today, but then I took more pics after watching the hawk.
It's was so sunny and watching the flowers multiply and fill-in is my fave past time.
I realize I may be a broken record.
You may ask yourself, is this just a gardening blog?
Does she ever post about anything but her garden?
What happened to arting and crafting?
Could she be any more boring?
But when you've tried to grow things like Cleveland sage for years...
And then it finally takes off like wild fire.
You get kind of obsessive about it.
You know what I mean?
Jelly bean!
The last two years the gophers kept disrupting the roots of this rose bush.
Poor Phyllis Diller rose bush.
And this year she's doing awesome.
Just like she was when I first brought her home.
So, you can understand how I might obsess a little.
And want to obnoxiously show you everything.
Over and over again.
Thanks for humoring me and my garden ways.
Garden magic and garden spells.
Garden dreams and garden enchantment.
And when all the rose bushes I transplanted, that were thought dead due to gophers, start to sprout tiny signs of life in their new pots, I almost faint from joy.
What can I say?
It's my fairy tale place.
Where I wake up every morning and wonder...
Who's been painting the roses red again?!
And so, I give you another garden visit.
My happiest place on earth.
Where all my woes fall away and I play in soil.
Happy as can be.
Pruning and loving every moment.
The doggies are doing great.
So is that hatter and all the other characters in my life.
Mom gave us a real scare with bad food poisoning so I raced down there.
So good to be with her, and we had a lovely time after she got better.
I even jumped in a frigid pool to amuse her.
And myself I guess.
I've really been going non stop the last few weeks.
City, country, this and that.
It's time for me to rein it back in and take some me time I think.
Yes, I do think so.
How are you out there in the great big world?
What goes on in your neck of the woods these days?
I'd love to know.
Thank you to those who chime in and say hello.
I love reading your goings on.
So wonderful to know you are there.
Merci beaucoup for that, infinity.
Do people still say that?
Lots of love from me to you!
See you sooner than the last time.
(I hope)
xoxo, Vanessa
ps: Don't forget my tutorial for making panoramic sugar Easter eggs here...
pps: And don't forget all the free printable Easter egg wrappers and ideas here...