I'm writing this from my phone in an airport.
About to embark on a big journey♡
(I had a hard time posting this so by now I've traveled 30+ hours, rerouted my whole travel plan due to weather & have arrived at my first destination, woohoo)
The images looked perfect when I created them but now they look a little blurry here. But that's okay because I'm just popping in really quick to say, I'm off an a journey♡
I'll post oodles of photos & daily videos in my stories on Instagram.
Won't you join me for some fun?
I've been painting like crazy & am excited to smell different air & feel a cool breeze, see how that affects my art fun shenanigans♡
While I'm away dont forget to...
And try to always...
And above all, plunge into creativity.
Being creative has vast options, not just in making art but in things like cooking, decorating, music making, gardening, dreaming, writing, singing, dancing, crafting, dreaming & sooooo much more♡
Creativity is so good for your heart & soul.
Trust me.
I've learned this time & time again.
No matter how good or bad I have felt in life, a little creativity never ever hurt♡
Much looooove!
Wish me luck, my airplane is already delayed 7 hours & we have to take a different route to get where we're going. But the cool thing about getting older is that sitting around people watching seems to be much easier & entertaining than it was when I was 13.
Ok then, best wishes for everyday goodnesses, from me to you♡♡♡
Xoxo, Vanessa
I'll be here below if you need me😊
Ps: I can not tell what any of this looks like from my phone, so I hope it's ok ;-)