Baubles and twinkle lights and Christmas carols, oh my!
The time is racing by so quickly I don't even know what's happening.
And with all life's twists and turns, I sort of jumped off the carousel for a minute just to simmer in the moment with my furs and those I love.
Miles is feeling better with some medicine and I am just relishing all the moments with him and Matty.
I've done oodles of holiday decorating.
It's done my heart so good to just keep adding baubles everywhere I turn.
I've listened to endless hours of Christmas music, bought oodles of gifts.
Mostly online, truth be told.
And I got out a huge box with lots of treats shipped off to family in Ireland.
I'm so happy when I accomplish tasks that I know are important.
I felt like I was really racing through time, then when the news about Miles came in, I just stopped.
He's blissfully cozy and doing so well the last few days <3
It all of a sudden became really easy for me to decide what were the most important things on my list.
I slowed down to a complete stop.
I sat in front of the fire, I roamed my gardens.
And most importantly, I have been totally present in my time with the boys.
I have enjoyed all the holiday twinkle beyond measure.
And I don't intend to take it down for a good while.
Especially while it's still cold and fireplace season.
I'm getting ready to bake some mini tarts and cookies.
Tomorrow Christmas celebrations shall begin around here.
A little flurry of activity will hit, so I decided I should take the day to edit these photos and share them with you.
I have put up several smaller trees as my big tree bit the dust.
And to be honest, I am quite enjoying it.
This nutcracker below is one of my most treasured ornaments for some reason.
From where I sit in the living room this is my view every evening.
Baubles, candles, fire, twinkle lights - just bliss.
Such beautiful moments.
I love how the world becomes so festive, it just swells my heart.
Christmas magic all around.
I had such a hard time choosing photos, I promise these are not repeats, but just different angles.
How can one choose one bauble photo from another I ask?
The boys have been enjoying the fire too.
All cuddled up, yawn yawn.
I cherish every single minute with them.
I got this little tinsel tree at an antique market years ago, I wish I had bought the pair, what was I thinking?
I gave it so many of my antique mercury ornaments to wear this year.
And I hung big glass ornaments everywhere, even from the chandeliers.
I was really into using a lot of white this year...
White wreaths, little trees, garlands...
They really added brightness to my holiday vibe.
Mister Goose insists on wearing the longest ribbon everrrrr ;-)
Oh oh, and look at this little gnome village my sister made me for my birthday!
Isn't it beyond adorable?
It sits on my dining table, I just love it.
Now I will go through all my linens for table setting.
I hand painted all these branches in the urn with chalk paint.
I tried to spray paint them but they just absorbed the paint completely.
The chalk paint really did the trick.
I also did the funnest little project you can see below...
So, those little shelves in the background were actually covered by black mesh speaker covers and the shelves were black inside.
Since I don't have speakers in there and do not intend to, I painted the super ugly shelves in about 20 coats of white chalk paint.
I now have little book shelves on either side of my television cabinet.
Who even knew I had shelves there?
I'm tickled about that.
Here's my little shadow looking extra shy <3
I have had these antique statues of Mary and Joseph for over 20 years.
I was so delighted to put them out this year.
Actually, I put out almost everything I had save for a couple bins.
I love this because...
Now I can get all news bins and put things away more organized and safe than they were before.
That way next year it'll all be ready to go.
But for now I savor each last sprinkle of magic dust.
And it will stay a good while after Christmas.
I am in love with this beautiful time.
The moments and memories.
Extra dear and special to me.
Living in the moment and being utterly present.
I can't wait to smell gingerbread baking tonight.
To celebrate with those I love.
The twinkle lights create such sugar plum dreams.
I hope you are doing well out in your neck of the woods.
I wish you light and love and good thoughts always!
Magic, wishes and stars forever!
Love, Vanessa