Photos, text and artwork are property of Vanessa Valencia. All rights reserved. If you would like to use any of my blog content/photos, please make sure you give me proper credit and link back to me. Content of this site may not be reproduced in any other manner without written permission. Simply contact me via e-mail. Thank you.
My friend Jennifer Hayslip and I decided to put together a wonderful giveaway including an entire 11 piece tea set, your choice of blue or aqua. A Laduree tea book, Nina's Paris tea, sugar cube prongs and the sugar cubes too!
I've never have hundreds of thousands of people love something I did as much as the pine cone zinnias.
I can't believe how popular that was.
Every time I go onto Pinterest I see my pinecone zinnias over and over.
Once I was in an antique shop and a whole booth was dedicated to pinecone zinnias, and they had a little print out on the wall that showed my blog post.
I was floored!
I guess we all love a zinnia that will never perish.
But for now we have the zinnias of summer bobbing in the hot breeze.
I adore collecting all manner of specimens.
I love the rose hip.
Just the texture and colors of things you can find is magical.
Pruning zinnias all day long, to allow for the fresh ones to have space and keep blooming,
I'm not quite certain how it is August 1st already.
Really truly the time is just flying by.
Pumpkins, zinnias, basil.
The Queen Limes are extra vintagey, aren't they?
I sit under the citrus trees and marvel at all the growing things.
The moon is big and bright tonight.
I eat basil and tomatoes right in the garden.
I pick my zinnias in my little basket and run inside when it gets too hot.
I will collect my seeds for next year from the older zinnias that have developed some seeds.
The life of a gardener, always plotting and planning with hope for the next season.
I prune my roses a little in late August for the spring like wave of flowers that turn up in all their glory in October and November.
I have a bunch of fall vegetable seeds planted.
I got stung by a fire ant the other day, which I never had been.
I get little ant bites every day, but never a fire ant.
It was worse than my 3 or 4 scorpion stings by far.
It hurt for about 9 - 10 hours relentlessly, then let up.
I was screaming and jumping around - the pain was absolutely shocking.
And I have a pretty good tolerance for pain and discomfort.
Luckily I had no allergic reaction and it was just another gardening experience for the books.
It got me twice on a toe :-)
But all is well now, and I'm still wearing open toe shoes in the garden.
I know, bravery for sure.
The moon has a golden haze all around it through my window, so beautiful.
I look forward to the monsoon rains that turn up in August.
It is so very green out in the gardens, all manner of little tree volunteers I've been nurturing are now taller than me.
Amazing what summer brings.
For some reason several roses nearly died in the little corridor going to my studio, so I dug them up, added rooting hormone and put them in pots for now and they all had new leaves and shoots this morning after about a month and a half.
I think there must have been bugs or something there, or perhaps not enough sunlight due to the expanded canopy of the Chilean mesquite tree.
They were doing great and from one day to the next started to shrivel, which really makes me think it was a bug.
I had never seen rose bushes do that but I am delighted that they are coming back.
The chattering of a mad gardener, I tell ya.
I hope you are doing well in your neck of the woods.
We are just fine here, staying busy.
There are baby doves in the garden and I love watching mom and dad take such good care of them.
It has been outrageously hot, the dogs just run out and come right back in.
I fear they've had such a lux summer sleeping on cold floors that they've become a bit heat snobby.
But, that's okay.
Dogs are to be spoiled, that's my motto anyways.
Well, I best be off.
Early gardening ahead of me <3
Are you a zinnia lover?
I wonder if anyone has ever been named Zinnia, wouldn't that be just wonderful?
Love, Vanessa
ps: I used to share music with you that I listen to whilst writing each blog post, so I shall attempt to remember to do that in the ps section.
I tried to get here days ago, but blog writing can take a while with the photo editing and then my programs kept crashing, so happy to have finally made it here <3
I listened to ones of my favorite songs by Janapriyan Levine (Suspended) while writing this post.
I love taking baths, meditating, stretching, writing and relaxing to this song all the time.
Up in the left hand sidebar (third item down) is a new section called "Spotlight Posts."
Every so often the posts will change, but it's a section with other posts that you might enjoy in between my regular postings <3
Just a fun little addition.
Hello, my name is Vanessa Valencia and I am an artist living in a lovely part of Arizona. I make all kinds of art, from painting to clay sculpting. I love tending my gardens and cuddling my dogs. This blog is about art, lifestyle, gardening, cooking, crafting & every single little magical thing in between ♥