It's time to plunge right into the fun of one of our virtual Mad Tea Parties!
Yes, It's true!
(details about participating will be shared at the end of this post)
I started these tea parties on my blog in the summer of 2007, on a very bored day, whilst in search of a magical infusion.
(see tea parties from the past by clicking here)
I decided to take all manner of tea sets and pretty things into the garden, and take photos to share here on my blog, and so began our yearly Mad Tea Party.
I took a few years off to pursue other exciting adventures, but now we are back with what is technically our 10th annual Mad Tea Party!
Can you believe it?
Time to get out your fancy napkins and tea cups and join in the fun!
Pour your tea, nice and hot.
Do you take one lump or two?
I've been drawing characters to inspire the event.
Here is Miss Alice herself, beckoning you to join in.
Step through the looking glass, and into Wonderland, won't you?
A little pencil and watercolor to get me there...
You can always count on the White Rabbit!
Now to set the table for the soirée.
We'll all be here on Saturday the 24th of July, hoping you'll join in.
Or at the very least, stop by...
Into that place of fairy tale magic, that we all hold so near and dear.
Through the viewing pane, and into....
A place of enchantment.
Where you are free to be yourself and dream the dreams of your heart.
I so hope you can join me in this delightful celebration.
Below are two sizes of flyers for your use.
If you do not recall the steps to participating in the past, I'll refresh your memory, and make it simple.
If you would like to participate by sharing your own Mad Tea Party on July 24th, here is what to do...
1) Leave a comment below with the link to your blog or Instagram account (or both) stating that you are going to join in.
I will be posting here on my blog, and on Instagram.
For example, my Instagram account URL is -
My blog URL is,
Leave your url's so I can easily find you, and so that people can click to see who you are.
2) Post the event on your blog or social media and let your friends know.
Feel free to use the flyer or badge above and make sure to link to me or tag me.
(right click on the party flyer or badge above and save to your computer to use on your own blog and/or social media)
3) On the day of the event (July 24th) post your party as early as you can, and leave a comment in the comment section of my party post, with the link to your blog post or your Instagram account (or both).
That way I can easily find you to link you, and other people can visit you.
I will then add your name to a list I will make in the body of my actual tea party blog post and link back to you.
If you are joining via Instagram I will also link your account over in my Instagram party post.
Leave your post up for a couple days to allow people a chance to visit you.
4) Make sure you link or tag me in your posts so people know where to go :-)
Easy right?
Remember, you can post anything you'd like for your tea party.
A real tea party, miniatures, art, anything at all.
It's your vision for your own tea party!
If you do not have social media or a blog, or if you simply can not participate that is okay too.
I know not very many people blog anymore or can put a party together as such, but you are always welcome as a guest! <3
Just come on over on the day of the party and be a guest at my table by visiting me here.
And so it's settled, we shall be having tea with each other once again my friends!
Hope to see you here <3
Lots of Love,
ps: Thank you to those who would like to join in with me <3 <3 <3
If you are joining in, here is an example of the comment to leave so I can easily find you (and others can visit you too), thanks much!
"I will be joining in on my blog at, and on my Instagram account at,