The thick of summer, when all the wonderful things fill our baskets.
Not only have I been elbow deep in canning plum jam, but the early apples are coming in as well.
I love nothing more than standing in the garden eating crisp and perfectly tart and sweet apples.
There's something about an apple that is so wonderfully nostalgic.
I have already made several apple crisps, and the scent is divine.
I immediately start to think about candy and caramel apples and apple pies of fall.
And then, my heart flutters a little thinking about all the dreamy autumn things, but I stop myself because I do not want to wish time away.
I want to be present and loving each day of summer, no matter the heat.
Under the citrus trees is a perfect place to be because it is shady at the hottest part of the day.
I love heading out early in the morning to make my collections.
Dorsett Golden and Anna apples are companion trees and some of the only apple trees to fruit in my climate.
They are also early apples and so, that is why we have summer apples.
I also found a few giant dahlias which I immediately brought inside to enjoy.
The larger apples are the Anna's and the smaller are the Dorsett Golden.
They both have a wonderful tart and sweet flavor and are perfect for eating or cooking.
The zinnias self-seeded from last year, which overjoys me.
I'm just amazed at all the self-seeding that happens in this garden.
The Dorsett Golden are pictured below.
I love a dahlia, do you?
The way they almost look like feathers, very flamingo like.
Flowers on the mantel in old bottles are one of my favorite things.
Such simple beauty.
To be in the ethereal morning garden light, doing my little collecting, does my heart so good.
I take basket by basket to my table under the citrus trees and almost don't want to leave this moment.
Going back and forth, listening to the birds.
Hummingbirds and bees flying all around.
Through the garden, with my basket I go...
To admire my loot with so much gratitude.
The courgettes (aka zucchini) are also coming in.
You could almost eat courgettes and tomatoes with basil every single day.
Did you know that zinnias and dahlias are also edible?
Definitely do your own research before eating, but Teddy loves taking a bite out of a zinnia.
I have to say, Teddy please don't eat my zinnias.
(Don't worry, you can do a Google search and see that zinnias are one of the safest plants for dogs and dogs are drawn to them)
He is getting better about it, but he is very interested in them.
He also loves to eat apples and other veggies.
I am very aware of what he eats and take great care with him.
He isn't one of those dogs that will just eat anything and he seems to know what is edible and what is not.
Of course, I still monitor him, so no worries there.
I read many years ago that zinnias are edible by humans.
Did you know that?
You should always be careful to never eat plants that you didn't grow yourself and make sure they are not grown with toxic chemicals.
My garden is totally organic, and safe for all.
But people do like zinnia petals in salads and sometimes in tacos, can you believe that?
They are closely related to the sunflower and are part of the daisy family.
Always do your own research and make sure you are not allergic to anything before you eat it.
But more importantly, that it is safe and non-toxic and actually the plant you think you are eating.
(I can not be held accountable for any plants that you eat, please do your own research)
I know some people enjoy eating some dahlia petals as well, but I have never tried them.
I pretty much just like to look at them, in their fluffiness.
We juiced the last of the grapefruits for this season, but all the citrus trees are already full of next year's fruit.
I'm really enjoying my summer days.
We have been having those old-fashioned type of summers.
We are swimming, grilling veggies, making jam, apple crisps, floating in the water...
Listening to good music, playing checkers, trivia games and staying cool.
Oh and, baking a lot of bread so that I don't even have to grocery shop lately.
Making garden bouquets and taking an apple for decoration.
I think today I may bake an apple pie.
I love how the Anna Apples are light green on one side and yellow-orange-pink on the other side when ripe.
It's so nice to have garden delights here and there in the house.
I could not choose between the top or bottom photo, so I posted both :-)
If you are trying to find me...
You know where I will be.
Enjoying the delights of summer...
Whilst waiting for the rain to roll in.
I love our wonderful seasons, so much to look forward to with each one.
It's hard to believe we are in the thick of summer.
I hear some folks chatting about autumn.
I think the apples definitely pull the autumnal nostalgia heartstrings for me.
But I am standing firm in my summer, so as not to lose a morsel of it.
Although, you and I both know how much I love the next season, I just don't want time to move too fast.
It is very cloudy today, but the summer rains have not decided to unleash for us yet.
My parents have had loads of rain already, lucky ducks!
I need to choose my summer novel before time passes me by.
Are you reading anything wonderful this summer?
I have started sharing my jam with a beloved few and I just received my first phone message from a happy friend.
I love sharing the fruits of my labor, don't you?
It brings me such vast joy.
In other garden news...
I have this one tree that is getting very taxed this summer.
It's one of my favorites, so I have been watering it by hand in the late evenings.
I found a bowl shape in the dirt by it, and I always put my water there so that it will seep down slowly.
I collect water in my giant canning bath and any extra goes out to any plants that need it after it has cooled.
All this to say, last night I got the loveliest surprise ever.
The tree I speak of is just outside my fence and yesterday when I went outside I saw quite the lovely sight.
In the bowl where I have been watering were about 10 javelina, half of them tiny babies the size of footballs.
They were actually just dozing in the cool earth because it has been so very hot here.
It warmed my heart in ways I can not even describe.
Of course, Teddy saw them and barked, so they left.
But I hoped that they'd come back after we went to sleep, to enjoy my favorite spot under the tree.
I love seeing the wild creatures in nature.
I will keep you updated and try to make sure to take my camera and see if I can snap a photo for you.
Poor little dears in this heat.
Well, I suppose I must be off.
I have so many things to do, and I just might make some apple jam.
I found a wonderful recipe, so we shall see.
I hope you are having a lovely summer and staying as cool as you can.
I hope to see you very soon.
Love, Vanessa