Photos, text and artwork are property of Vanessa Valencia. All rights reserved. If you would like to use any of my blog content/photos, please make sure you give me proper credit and link back to me. Content of this site may not be reproduced in any other manner without written permission. Simply contact me via e-mail. Thank you.
I am writing to you from my country house studio today.
I have had such a busy few days, that I decided I needed to escape to the country.
Spend time listening to music and flinging some paint around.
Can you believe it is mid-September?
All the striped winged lovelies showed up like clock work, 7 days before Autumn.
I am painting pumpkins for the country house mantel, and just enjoying some time here.
Working on my pretend witch's spell book.
With old pages and dried bits and bobs.
I just take an old book, in this case an old atlas, and I glue pages on top of pages.
Old pictures, tea stained old letters, etc.
Things are definitely taking on a Halloween vibe, the season comes and goes in such a flash, doesn't it?
I ordered this Trick or Treat sign (below) online, and I had no idea there were witch hands holding it up.
I thought I should use some paint and glitter to give it a little more life and bring out the details.
I especially had fun with the boots.
I made a video of the project, which I posted in my Instagram reels.
I'll try to post it to YouTube so I can bring the video to my blog.
Here is the after...
I had so much fun adding some pizazz to this piece.
It's super sparkly in person now.
I just noticed that my walls look blue because it was raining when I took these.
Rainy days turn white paint into the softest blue tone.
I've been doing a ton of garden pruning, which led me into a couple days of a terrible allergy attack.
That is why I did not come here sooner.
You never know when one of those might hit.
Luckily I only get them once every couple of years.
I suppose it's an extra special thing that your system does not like, getting too far in.
I had allergy shots my entire childhood, which I am sure have made a huge difference in my life.
Here are a couple of photos of Teddy, happy in his garden.
He loves when I prune because he takes off with my branches and such.
He's grown so fast, I can't even keep up with it.
He went from baby to polar bear overnight.
I have never had a puppy that grew this fast (in size).
He actually just turned 10 months old.
He is a joy, a love, a very good cuddler and very rambunctious.
Matty went to the vet yesterday.
He needed updated vaccines, and an eye check because he will not go up stairs anymore.
He is in fact, having all the old man things in his 13th year.
Degenerative eye-sight that is inoperable, and things like that.
But, not to worry because I took him out for cheeseburgers after and he was delighted.
He gobbled them right up, and had treats in the evening after running all around the garden.
So, he's fine for now, dogs are so adaptable.
He came to me in October all those years ago, and will forever be my autumn love.
Time is the most curious thing, isn't it?
Speaking of time, it's time for me to go walk my boys.
The country house garden paths await us.
Then I shall get cozy in the loft of my tiny house cottage, and read books.
I am soooo looking forward to that.
I am making this post from my phone, tucked in my cozy nook below, so I hope it all looks okay.
Golden hour magic & autumn on the breeze♡
I could squeal with delight, and I just might.
I will be back very soon.
Lots of love from the fanciful countryside,
ps: I just realized that when I respond to the notifications of your comments in my email, they no longer get directly posted to my blog comment section, oh no! All my responses from my last few posts are lost in limbo somewhere.
I am tempted to simply sit down one afternoon and go back and respond again in the actual comments section.
I have loved your comments, thoughts and ideas.
I value all your words and tales, my kindred friends!
<3 <3 <3
Some beautiful music I was listening to whilst typing...
For the last 5 years I have been doing a bunch of projects on a house.
A house that has become very dear to me because of how much I've done inside and outside.
It is a curious place filled with imported architectural items, secret passageways, and terraced gardens.
There are some things I will never touch with paint or a sander.
But there are others that have been beckoning me since day one.
Such as some very dark antique columns on a very dark buffet, with the most exquisite carvings.
Only they were almost impossible to see.
I'd imagine that if I did my dry brush technique, and didn't get into the grooves, that I could highlight the designs beautifully.
Perhaps in a flat chalk white?
I always wait to be certain before I implement my ideas, in this case waiting a long time.
But, seeing as how I am about to begin my 6th year here (meanwhile still having my country house as well), I have gotten a bit braver with my projects.
Case in point, what I did last week.
I don't know what came over me last week, but I decided that I owed these carvings a better life than they were leading.
(insert impish grin)
I knew that my tried and true dry brush, quick flick of the wrist technique, is what I would do.
Because I literally began dreaming about seeing the carvings better.
As you can see below, the carvings are really lovely.
The only reason I took so long to make this decision is because I really did like the dark wood.
I am one of those rare lovers of dark wood.
The antique columns were cut down to fit on this buffet, and I'd stand there and just admire the floral hand carved workmanship.
I knew they had been pink and lime green before because I could see flecks of paint in the grooves.
I imagine they must have been stunning, in their bright colors of India.
But they had been sanded and waxed ages ago.
Still, they'd sort of beg me for a makeover, and I'd say, I like you just the way you are.
Whenever I am going to paint or create anything I first visualize it.
The more I thought about the carvings in white, the more I knew I had to do it.
Sort of like not being able to stop pulling old puckered wallpaper off of a wall.
And so, I tested one column first, just to be sure I'd like it.
I didn't want to have any regrets.
But I loved it!
I worked fairly quickly because it was so exciting, seeing the designs reveal themselves.
The more I painted, the more beautiful it became, looking larger and grander with each swipe.
I've been doing this technique for over 2 decades, and so I felt very confident about it going okay.
I was overjoyed with the final result, more than I thought I would be.
3 coats of a dry brush technique, careful to use just enough, but not too much paint.
The details of these pieces just amaze me completely.
Here I am below, with my supervisor.
I scrubbed down the piece and then rubbed it with alcohol prior to beginning.
Because I used chalk paint, I really did not need to prime.
I just stare at the columns, and wonder how on earth they were carved so beautifully?
I can't even get over the hand carved chain detail at the top.
I used a little gold paint to lightly brush the drawer pulls.
I didn't think they needed anything more than that.
And then I picked flowers from my garden to celebrate its makeover.
The lightness of it is so refreshing in the house.
I've painted over 20 pieces of furniture and done endless projects in this house.
With each project over the years, it has come to feel like my own little pet.
Like it's a piece of me.
The chairs I reupholstered a few months ago look soooo happy next to this piece.
I will share them soon.
That was another huge project I did.
For now, I am tickled pink with how this turned out.
I knew it would be good, but I didn't know it would be soooo fresh and fabulous.
Amazing what a little white paint and patience can do.
That's really all it was, white chalk paint, and some varnish only for the top.
I'm pleasantly surprised and very satisfied with this project
Who knew it would go so well?
I surely did not.
I do not plan to paint all the antique columns around the house, because they look great with the floors as they are.
But this piece, in this nook, really popped with a little white paint.
I did about 3 coats, dry brushing in very quick flicking movements.
If I think about all the projects I have done at both of my homes, I can honestly say that those are the things that make a place really feel like home.
Several years ago I took out a whole closet in the dining room at the country house, and put a mantel and mirror in its place, with China cabinets on either side.
I also painted everything white, ceilings and walls.
That project felt like this.
Like it was "my" home, even though it already was.
The projects turn it into your baby, and it feels soooo good.
I can't wait to show you what I did to my dining chairs a few months ago.
Now that was an intense project, but this one was easy and very quick.
I love those kinds of projects.
Painless with maximum results.
You'll have to let me know what you think.
If you have anything you've been wanting to paint, I suggest you just go for it.
You will be so happy that you did, and you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner.
I will be beginning my 6th year of my journey with house #2 (known as Villa Fiore) soon.
Mister Lovee says I should write down every single project I've done.
Maybe I should?
I've painted nearly every piece of furniture in here, that's for certain, and mirrors.
I should have been sharing each project as I went, but I can still share some of them.
It's never too late, right?
I am off to kick my feet up and look at my cabinet now.
Land of wild puppy, and a combination of super chilly and oddly warm days.
I'm not sure why my photos are uploading fuzzy, when they are clear, but hopefully if you click on any one you will see it more clearly.
How has your February been?
I have been itching madly to get back here.
I somehow misplaced my fancy camera charger, and I simply could not find it anywhere.
It might be under my bed or in Teddy's pile of everything under the sun.
He's such a pack rat, it's beyond amusing.
My charger is the one thing I always have at the ready, so that was a nutty misplace (I looked everywhere possible), and it took forever to receive a replacement, but now here I am again, hooray!
February is proving to be lovely.
We've spent most of our time in the country whilst training Teddy and such.
It's been lovely to roam the open spaces and garden paths without a care in the world.
Enjoying the fresh air of winter, and letting the boys run around with wild abandon.
It is citrus season, and we've had little picnics in the garden.
I put a little table in what I've always called the fairy bower part of the garden path.
Such delightful little times.
I've been planning a mural behind the wall of my other secret garden for two years.
I'm now painting some paintings to determine what I'd like my mural to look like.
I have a fairy tale landscape in mind, we'll see how that goes.
In the meantime, I've been painting my mural ideas and then doing what I like to do often, just abstract expressions of colors.
One of my favorite things to do really, which I rarely share.
But it's such a release of emotions and wildly fun.
I've been doing this sort of painting since I was a child, one of the very best things that ever has happened in my life.
Painting my emotions as I like to call it.
Nonsense paintings, wonderful for the soul.
I was dusting my country house room, and piled a bunch of my beloved junk on my shelf above the bed so Teddy could not reach it, and then I sort of liked it all lumped up together, so I took some photos.
I just love having my happy junk around me :-)
Matty is doing well also, just tolerating his new little brother really.
He was handsomely looking towards me and turned just as I snapped his photo.
As you know, he does not like cameras.
I am not sure Matty will ever play with Teddy, but we'll see.
I still spoil him tons, and he has the front seat of my car always.
Still scaring UPS drivers, acting 4 years old instead of 12.
There is also a little spring-time flutter in the air, with baby birds here and there.
Mama dove is not amused with our garden activity.
She had gone out to get breakfast when I snuck a little photo of her children.
Don't worry, I zoomed in from far away.
The days have been idyllic.
Our garden paths fill my soul in ways I cannot describe.
Bunnies scampering away from the pitter patter of paws.
Perfect warm light on a cool day.
My trees and shrubs are so big, I planted some of them, Mister Lovee the older ones.
To see them all grown up is beyond wonderful, they so feel like home to me.
They are home.
The sunshine, the comfort of trees...
A puppy discovering his own home.
Just warms my heart to no end.
But I should tell you...
About our dear Theodore Laurence.
The wildest child we've had to date.
Rambunctious beyond compare.
He's got a big attitude, but he's a lovely cuddler too.
Just beware because his biting is off the charts, haha!
He's brave and utterly self-assured, can you tell?
Matty wants no part of this.
He just wants to nap, fight danger, and enjoy the scenery from the top of the porch stairs.
But they do run around the garden happily together, he and Teddy.
They just don't tumble and wrestle like the Matty and Miles team did.
Of course, Matty is much older now, and he stopped wrestling with Miles after that time her nearly died from valley fever years ago.
Maybe you could lift a little hopeful wish into the starry night sky that, perhaps that might still happen.
Matty and Teddy playing together a little.
Teddy would love that so much.
And so would all of us who are all bitten and scratched up, haha!
Truth be told though, Teddy is smart and adorable, and is learning all the tricks and commands.
He's the most different of all my kids, and I can't wait to see how his personality develops as teething subsides, and he starts to get a bit older.
But for now, I am enjoying his wild puppy days, as they are so short lived.
So, here is where you will find us...
Under canopies of trees with grapefruit-orange juice, freshly squeezed by me.
And a loaf of Italian rustic bread.
Where the trees sway and whisper...
And dreams still swirl about, inspiring me to do this and that.
In the fairy bower of my heart.
I feel lucky to enjoy these days.
With my boys, hidden away in our little parcel of earth.
Just as content as can be.
I'm fully aware of the importance of appreciating such times.
As the apple blossoms are just beginning to unfurl.
Bees are awakening from their slumber.
And it might even snow a tiny bit this week.
It was 78'F and then 58' - crazy I know.
And day after tomorrow there might be said snow flurry.
I've received some ridiculously enormous canvases to paint on by freight truck.
Sort of lavish for just a bit of amusement I feel.
But you only live once, and I intend to enjoy every second of painting on them.
I spent the day doing botanical kitchen experiments and paint chemistry yesterday.
I had sooo much fun making tempera paints, I was like a mad chemist, pulverizing organic matter to make paint.
This all began one day when I was looking at dry flower petals and thought, I MUST create paint.
Anywho, I bring you my findings for the day.
Also -
It's been raining so much, which is glorious, but that means that I had a very difficult time taking indoor photos.
So, please forgive the dark cloudy vibe in my images, especially the art.
I would have retaken them on a sunny day if I wasn't doing this challenge, but since this is all about fun, I give you my bad photos for today :-)
Before I tell you about her and her friends...
Let me take you back to the day that I became obsessed with the idea of turning dried flower petals into paint or dye.
I was looking at all my dry flowers thinking, surely there is a way to create a pigment from these petals.
I thought about ways, and I decided that possibly the paint of the great masters might work.
Egg and pulverized powder was my thought.
I knew that to make tempera paint I would need a watery color and an egg yolk.
Of course, it was a bit trickier than that, and -
I did come up with some colors in the end...
But first, let me tell you about my experimental findings, ahem :-)
I began by putting dried rose petals from my garden in my food processor.
I thought, this will surely work because I've made flour from oats before.
Not fine enough.
So, I took my sort of ground up matter and put it in my blender.
Which sent flower particles up to the heavens, so I had to put on a mask because I was starting to sneeze, and I thought, what have I done?! HAHA!
Before I go on, I must tell you that I did not follow any recipe.
I just used the knowledge that I had.
I knew I had to mix up a tinge of water with only egg yolk, and I used one egg yolk per color.
When you mix the water with the egg yolk it turns into a sort of off-white creamy milk consistency.
To that you will then add your color, which has to be in a liquid form.
I'm not sure why I thought I would grind flowers to powder and mix them with water, and voila have a color.
But that was the nutty professor in me, thinking, SHAZAM! I've got it!
And of course, I didn't.
I am laughing whilst typing this, because it really was so ridiculously funny.
I did in fact manage to make rose powder, which actually smelled amazing, and I swirled it with a bit of water, but really it was like a cream of wheat texture.
So then, I cut up some panty hose to strain the color through, and that worked okay.
But I ended up with a very pale pink beige color.
So then I tried turmeric and cinnamon, and ended up having to strain through the stocking and do all the same steps as well.
I then decided to use some natural pink dye to make two shades of pink, which really turned more coral because the egg and water is a cream color base, so there was no way I would get pink. Which I was absolutely fine with.
The paint really has a glossy sheen, and is really more like a glaze.
It dried thick and sort of shiny, almost metallic in a way.
It's all really fascinating and I have more plans to try making colors.
Beets would have worked phenomenally.
So far, I liked working with the turmeric tempera paint the best.
The cinnamon was super chunky no matter what I tried, but was kind of fun for texture because it has little flecks.
Below are some samples I made, this is the next day and they are totally dry.
So, you can see how the yolk creates this thick shiny texture.
(the paints on the page below are actually dry)
Also, there is no egg smell to the paint whatsoever.
When I got tired of trying to paint things that were just globby, I took a quite bad brush and started using only the turmeric to make faces.
(And a hint of rose for cheeks)
This went on through the rest of the afternoon.
I made about 30.
I taped a few up to take photos, but my studio is just dark from the rain.
And turning on the lights did not help to take photos, because we all know what that does.
I did get a video that was a bit better, that I will post in my Instagram stories this evening.
The sheen of the dry paint is really something, as you can see below.
I tried Yupo paper (above), card stock and heavy duty watercolor paper (below).
The turmeric girls were best on the watercolor paper.
They really are quite a nice color in person.
Soooo, overall that was a lot of fun.
Yes, I could have used acrylic paint right off the shelf, but it's fun to do these sort of projects from time to time.
My kitchen is a wreck, but fun nonetheless, haha!
I really enjoyed making these girls.
Actually, maybe I'll make a YouTube video of them to insert at the bottom of this post...?
Only wish you could see them better, if it wasn't soooo dark out.
But turmeric works!
So, that's what I did with my turmeric tempera paint.
Not a total waste of time if you're amused, and I was.
I love experimenting, do you?
Here is a history of tempera paint if you are curious.
I decided to take all manner of tea sets and pretty things into the garden, and take photos to share here on my blog, and so began our yearly Mad Tea Party.
I took a few years off to pursue other exciting adventures, but now we are back with what is technically our 10th annual Mad Tea Party!
Can you believe it?
Time to get out your fancy napkins and tea cups and join in the fun!
Pour your tea, nice and hot.
Do you take one lump or two?
I've been drawing characters to inspire the event.
Here is Miss Alice herself, beckoning you to join in.
Step through the looking glass, and into Wonderland, won't you?
A little pencil and watercolor to get me there...
You can always count on the White Rabbit!
Now to set the table for the soirée.
We'll all be here on Saturday the 24th of July, hoping you'll join in.
Or at the very least, stop by...
Into that place of fairy tale magic, that we all hold so near and dear.
Through the viewing pane, and into....
A place of enchantment.
Where you are free to be yourself and dream the dreams of your heart.
I so hope you can join me in this delightful celebration.
Below are two sizes of flyers for your use.
If you do not recall the steps to participating in the past, I'll refresh your memory, and make it simple.
If you would like to participate by sharing your own Mad Tea Party on July 24th, here is what to do...
1) Leave a comment below with the link to your blog or Instagram account (or both) stating that you are going to join in.
I will be posting here on my blog, and on Instagram.
Leave your url's so I can easily find you, and so that people can click to see who you are.
2) Post the event on your blog or social media and let your friends know.
Feel free to use the flyer or badge above and make sure to link to me or tag me.
(right click on the party flyer or badge above and save to your computer to use on your own blog and/or social media)
3) On the day of the event (July 24th) post your party as early as you can, and leave a comment in the comment section of my party post, with the link to your blog post or your Instagram account (or both).
That way I can easily find you to link you, and other people can visit you.
I will then add your name to a list I will make in the body of my actual tea party blog post and link back to you.
If you are joining via Instagram I will also link your account over in my Instagram party post.
Leave your post up for a couple days to allow people a chance to visit you.
4) Make sure you link or tag me in your posts so people know where to go :-)
Easy right?
Remember, you can post anything you'd like for your tea party.
A real tea party, miniatures, art, anything at all.
It's your vision for your own tea party!
If you do not have social media or a blog, or if you simply can not participate that is okay too.
I know not very many people blog anymore or can put a party together as such, but you are always welcome as a guest! <3
Just come on over on the day of the party and be a guest at my table by visiting me here.
And so it's settled, we shall be having tea with each other once again my friends!
Hope to see you here <3
Lots of Love,
ps: Thank you to those who would like to join in with me <3 <3 <3
If you are joining in, here is an example of the comment to leave so I can easily find you (and others can visit you too), thanks much!
"I will be joining in on my blog at, and on my Instagram account at,
Hello, my name is Vanessa Valencia and I am an artist living in a lovely part of Arizona. I make all kinds of art, from painting to clay sculpting. I love tending my gardens and cuddling my dogs. This blog is about art, lifestyle, gardening, cooking, crafting & every single little magical thing in between ♥